
How do you make your stomach flatter?

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ive been on a diet for the past 4 days and i injured my tail bone like 2 weeks ago and it hurts real bad and i can not do cruches it hurts to much. what are other ways?




  1. Hye sarah... i tot u need to see this..

  2. who asked you to do crunches?you need a wide variety of cardio and toning exercises to deal with belly fat...its the hardest to lose but its worth dieting and toiling for!

  3. Simple rule of thumb when it comes to losing weight:  Burn more calories than you consume.  Doing crunches alone won't make your stomach flatter.  This is a common misconception called "spot reducing"  in which if you exercises the muscles in a given area, you will lose fat in that given area.  The best thing to do is along with your diet, mix in good aerobics exercises and total body workouts to boost your metabolism and drop the fat.  Your body won't burn the fat from the areas you train the most.  It takes it evenly from the entire body.

  4. omg omg omg.... sara u hav to listen to me!! u BETTER!!

    i noe wat u mean, im 15 and i lost all my stomach fat this summer...

    all i did was run... i dont like doing cruches.,.. and there only for abs.... but my stomach is flat and im getting a belly piercing...

    just RUN and drink lots of fruit...

    good luck

  5. depends on your matabolism ( cant spell) any way am 18 goin 19 and i eat **** ill go out have a decent smoke come home and raid my mums coupbards and eat and eat and eat and am just under 10 stone and need to put on 6 pounds for the army not happening ive stoped smoking but aint gunna happen depends on what type of person you are and matabloism c**p

  6. Sorry honey, i'm not sure what you're trying to ask here, but if you're trying to say how can you lose weight when you've injured you're tail bone- then I think you should stop trying to make you're stomach flatter for now. You need to wait until you're not in pain, then join a swimming or running club.

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