
How do you make yourself fake cry when auditioning?!?

by Guest62524  |  earlier

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How do you make yourself fake cry when auditioning?!?




  1. I always think about if someone close  to me was dead it really works just think or something that makes you sad. : )

    Good Luck

  2. Pinch yourself, think of your worst ever memory.

  3. think of really sad things that has happened to u that usually works........well 4 me it does

  4. what i do is start yawning and my eyes tear up. you have to do it enough that it will roll down your cheek. this works every time, and most people don't think of it.

  5. don't blink for 1 minute

  6. I always just think of sad things that have happened to me. It doesn't work for me to imagine sad things, because those just make me sad and not cry.  I think about things like relatives who have died, when my dogs got put to sleep, etc etc.  

    Also, I try not to blink for as long as possible while I am starting to feel sad, because it helps my eyes start to water.  Once my eyes are getting watery from not blinking, I blink a few times and can sometimes get a tear or two to fall down my face.  Then I am already sad and it starts to come naturally.

    Obviously, you must also learn to feel vulnerable and open and comfortable in front of the people you are auditioning for.  If you are not comfortable in front of them, you may have a harder time trying to show so much emotion.

    Good luck.

  7. Don't try to MAKE yourself cry, or it'll come off as bad acting. Try to let the words and action of the scene bring it out of you.  If you're busy thinking about something sad that actually happened to you, you'll forget about the job at hand.

    A basic trick is to keep your eyes open so they'll water, but the danger there is concentrating harder on that than your acting and making odd faces trying to keep from blinking.

    A lot is about what you do with your voice and body. ACT like you're sad/crying.  If the tears don't actually come, it shouldn't affect your audience any less than if they were pouring down your face.  

    And the ability to "cry on cue" does not necessarily a good actor make.

  8. having a sar

    ing contest with the wall

  9. You sort of have to bring it out of the words. Imagine that the thing happened to you but replace the characters with people you know, mentally.

  10. I think of my dog dieing, think of something that makes you super sad.

    Hope this helped



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