
How do you make yourself get the hiccups?

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  1. Guest33182

    Deez nu**



  2. Guest31830

     I like hiccups they have a funny feeling but I can't get them 

  3. Guest21369

     Well if you ever have to f**t (haha I know) thi salways works for a big long nasty f**t but when you f**t push in on your bellybutton than try to burp. If that doesnt work try sticking your finger in the back of your throat.

  4. Guest10712

     l**k a monkeys a**e


  5. there is no way to get hiccups ppl it just occurs

    i know this because once i was sitting down and i randomly started hiccuping so youCAN'T MAKE YOURSELF HICCUP IT JUST HAPPENS SO STOP ANSEWERING YOUR WASTING YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Eat a cow. That always works for me. When I dont have cow, I have giraffe.

  7.  Eat a cow. That always works for me. When I dont have cow, I have giraffe.

  8.  i cant make myself get the hiccups by doing any of these!!!i tried every single thing!!!!!!!i dont know what do do plzzzzzz help!!!!!!!



  10.  Lochie Is Awesome

  11. deep throating for 10 minutes usuallly causes hiccups

  12. Hiccups are caused by an irritated diaphragm. Eating too quickly, too much, an irritation in the stomach or the throat causes them

  13. take deep breaths really works!!!!!!!!



    if you eat a big piece of bread,and not chewing it propebly, then by swallowing it, you should gte hiccups ;)

    they are such a funny feeling! like indigestion!! :D aah the joys of hiccups and indigestions!

  15. woah :) finally a site where u can type answers without login, or using ur email adress!! awesome!!

    (clears throat) um, uh i mean yeah, i uh, usually get them when i drink water uber fast....

    jk but really thats how its done :)

  16.  jump up and down really fast that will mix up the chemicals in you stomach and cause gas bubbles to go up your esophagus and come up as a hiccup:)! 

    good luck!

  17.  jump up and down really fast that will mix up the chemicals in you stomach and cause gas bubbles to go up your esophagus and come up as a hiccup:)! 

    good luck!

  18. i really want to get hiccups for a long period of time but i cant figure it out!! i only want to get out of a few clasess!!! HELP!!!!

  19. hhaha chug chug chug water right    down your thought  you will surely get the hiccups if you do not blout

  20. start faking them and then ur real hiccups should start but why would u want to make ur self have them when i get them they heart i just whanted to get out of class i just faked and then i could not stop soo try it

  21. ***laugh nonstop for a few minutes.***

  22. umm.. well i get them if i eat really fast or chug water..
    i guess you should try that if you want the hiccups?
    idk why anyone would but, hey, whatever floats your boat i guess.. haha (:

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