
How do you manage your children studies?

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Exam times are nearing for the kids. We have 2 boys in grade 1 and grade 5. Both are doing fairly well. But the problem is they never sit at a stretch for 10 mins for studying. Getting lots of distractions. Computer games, TV, friends and if nothing disturbs them, they feel sleepy. We have almost shut the TV down and a morel, even we are not watching TV now a days. Trying to comfort them for their studies. Do you have tips to share with us that helps kids to concentrate more, study well and makes them to sit a long to study?

Sorry for my English, I am from a non native English country.

Your answer will help not only me, but many parents (my friends) who have the same issue. You are helping a lot. Thanks.




  1. I find with my eldest daughter who is in grade 1 that I have to turn the tv off at the wall & disconnect it so she can't just turn it back on again to get her to sit for 30 mins or more to do her homework.

    I also found that they tend to sit longer in the hotter months if they are in an air conditioned room rather then in the heat.

    You could also try taking them outside in the shade to do their homework somewhere that after they are finished they get a reward eg, beach, park.

    Or maybe tease their brains a little with some fun brain teaser's before settling into their homework.

    Try this site:

  2. really works.....getting the blood to flow to the brain...after school they need to do something physical as soon as they get home...NO sitting down to watch TV or anything....

  3. I tutor children, make sure to sit down with them and help them out.  Maybe allow them to listen to music quietly.  Sometimes it works, other times not.

  4. I'm shocked a first grader needs to sit down and study.

  5. I agree with Camille.

    At any rate ten minutes is a long time for children to concentrate on studying.It is even recommended that fully grown adults spend no more than twenty minutes in studying before taking a break so what must ten minutes seem like to little mites who have already been in school all day?

    I would schedule limited time for homework and a lot more for exercise and relaxation.That way you shall have happy children and they will be relaxed enough to concentrate on their studies *in school*.

  6. most of the time you do not have to worry about the CRCT test most children take in the classrooms of America.  you don't have to worry about these particular test because the teacher are doing that for you.  the teachers will send home activities and worksheets home with the children.  Speaking as a substitute teacher I can tell you the more you stress over these test the more your kids are too.  So as soon as they come home get them on their homework.  and never let them spend more than an hour at a time on their homework.  Afternoons healthy snack are great when getting the kids to do homework because their mind are not concentrating on their empty bellies they are concentrating on the task at hand. hope that helps

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