
How do you manage your writer's block?

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I hate writer's block. I actually LOVE to write in my spare time, always ideas in my head, even school assignments aren't that bad for me. I'm a fast typer and I love to get my thoughts out there...

But when it comes down to actually writing it sometimes, I just have the worst writer's block. I actually feel lazy, haha.

How do you get over your writer's block?




  1. Well, i personally go back to the thing that sparked off my imagination in the first place - whether that be the sea, or a person or even another piece of writing! But usually the best way to get over the block is to just take some time off and live a little! you can only write fantasy if you haven't lived and experienced it yourself. And i know most people say that it's best that when you have an idea you need to write it down immediately, but i like to keep the thoughts in my head for a while until i can develop them more. I'm sure you'll find that if you go with one idea and stick to it no matter what then you'll come to alot more dead ends, or worse, a crappy story. And anyway it is probably really hard to write an idea down in detail because if you have too many thoughts then you'll keep jumping from on to the next. So just forget about the writing for a while and take some time for your self to get really inspired, thats the best way to get over the block :]

  2. i have writers block too.

    you'll be surprised how many people have great ideas but when it actually comes down to it can't stretch it out, or add anything to it.

    i want to be a director so when i get good ideas i see them in my head like a movie scene. Sometimes when i'm out of ideas i turn to Situations that i like or the weather or ideas that i have for movie scenes. Sometimes when its storming outside i get really good ideas. i wrote a book (i'm trying to publish it) about evil witch sisters. and the storm helps me write. also if you like to write romance what i do, is day dream about what i'd like to happen with me and the guy i'm absolutly head-over-heels for. or come up with a sport, or an activity. have the character be a pro in that sport. then come up with a problem that they have. you just have to brainstorm and force yourself to work past it. also reading helps alot. i know ho whard writers block is. you just can't come up with anything good. or try doing like i said, coming up with a scene for your story. don't try and think about it, rather try and see it. come up with a visual image of whats happening in your head and write about it.

  3. I always type what I'm writing, so when I can't think of something, I'll grab a pen and go write it long hand, in a different room then I'm used too, that might just be me though...

  4. I wait until i get home (if its a school assignment) and tend to go to starbucks or a smoothie place (somewhere where you can sit and think) and read a book by one of my favorite authors and see what happens from there. (i try to get my mind off of my story and come back to it).  

  5. I wait 'til i'm tired, and then inspriation hits me.

    I have trouble sleeping because of my passion for certain people and so it really help me to write peoms about them when this happens.

    However if you aren't like me obsessing over love (hey! I'm young, let me be a stupid teenager) then i'd try doing something completely different from writing and then going back to it.

    It'll clear your head and possibly give you some ideas. :)

  6. hey I found a way to get rid of writers block, I love to write in my spare time to and writers block was so annoying!

    What I do is I create some characters, anyone at all that I want to create, then you just write about them all going out to lunch or dinner or out to the zoo or something, it sounds really cheesy but it works! You slowly begin to develop ideas, just make sure you remember each characteristic so that you keep the characters the way they're meant to be :) good luck

    schoolgirl and hopefully one day succesfull author

    Kirsten :)

  7. How To Stop Writer's Block Twelve Ways

    Twelve Ways

    Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me?

    Leave me your opinion.

    You get writer's block when you're tired, stressed,

    in a hurry, must meet a dead-line, or want your

    creative flow to, just, hic-cup. Don't panic. Sit back.

    Take a few deep breaths to relax before starting.

    "My mind is full of ideas." I heard a friend say.

    "Can't sleep, might forget them.

    I explained the twelve ways to stop sleepless

    nights, and drag writer's block to the curb.

    I, specifically, recommended number one to


    1. A mind full of writing ideas require jotting

    down. Or, use a tape recorder to capture


    2. Start writing about anything, just to extract

    your creative flow. Ideas will form as you

    continue to write.

    3. Pick any subject to write about. Use an

    interesting angle. An angle that's new for

    you to write about. It will test, inspire,


    4. Keep a journal. Refer to it on the days

    when writer's block has your mind blank.

    Full article at:

  8. The key is remain busy doing something while you take a moment away from your work.  Experiencing and going about life's daily happenings is what gives us the ideals and inspiration to write.  Sitting in front of a computer when you aren't feeling productive will put you in a writing death spiral.

    Good luck.  Take a walk, and let me know how it all works out.


  9. you should try to find a time to really concentrate on your story. Like when you are trying to fall a sleep. During that time, you have to think about your story and why you have writers block and try to get around it

  10. I pretend like I don't have writer's block, and write through it. Even if my work sucks, at least I'm writing.

    Sometimes, when I'm writing for fun, I'll just type down a bunch of random words and use them in a story. It's a fun way to get rid of writer's block.

  11. I sleep. Then I write about what I dreamed, and toy around with the possibilities. Or take a shower, it helps you think.

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