
How do you marry an illegal immigrant in the US and then apply for him to become a permanent resident?

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Im a u.s citizen, and the person i want to marry is an illegan inmigrant, and before i marry, i would like to know how to get him a permanent residence card because i have heard different opinions about this...




  1. In a country of 300 million you mean to tell me you can't find a law abiding person to marry?

  2. being in this country illegally is the problem... it will take years of jumping thru hoops. the easiest way is for him to go back to his country of origin and have the american citizen apply for a fiance visa. or marry first then apply to bring your spouse into the country in the same way...applying to uscis. any other way will take years instead of months. its that way to stamp out illegals from marrying just to stay in country.

  3. Be careful when you lay with dogs you get up with flees.  

  4. I just answered a similar question so I will put the same what I put for her. And don't listen to illegal haters saying your marriage will be fraudulent.. they just don't like the fact that you want to marry an illegal..

    You should see an immigration lawyer if you want to start the process, but here is what will happen:

    -first you have to get married

    -next you need to fill out the form I-130 for your husband to get residency for the USA

    -you will probably wait about 6-9 + months to hear a response from immigration

    -once immigration contacts you they will say yes, your husband can get residency, BUT first he has to return to his country for being here illegally. They will probably say he will be banned from this country for 10 years

    -Next he will leave and go to his country and you will fill out another form which asks immigration to pardon the fact that he was here illegally and you have to prove that you cannot live your life with him in his country. He will be in his country for 2+ years IF they agree with the pardon. If immigration says no he will continue to be banned for however many years they said.

    -after he has spend his time in his country he will be able to return legally with a resident card.

    Note: You will have to be able to prove that you make enough money to Spenser him to be here. Immigration will need to see your income tax returns for the last 3 years and you have to make 125% of the poverty level. If you do not make enough money you will have to ask someone if they will sponser him for you.

  5. go back to mexico with your  illegal alien boyfriend and get married and renounce your american citizenship. that way when you come back your both illegal and you both can be

  6. Maybe you are truly in love, but is he faking love for the sole purpose of a green card?  Hope he doesn't dump you after you marry and sponsor him.  You people need to wake up and THINK.

  7. I was going to say the same thing as Bonita, but she said it all. Thumbs up for her!

  8. You do not this is specifically prohibited by law. It is called fraudulent marriage and will get you both 7 to 10 in a federal pen.

    How do you prove a negative. You are caught in the old Catch 22 You are the one who has to prove your case not the other way around. Once he is caught here illegally then he is no longer innocent he has been proven guilty and by association so have you. Believe me I grew up in southern NM and have seen it happen to friends of mine

  9. Check out or contact an immigration attorney. Basically, though, an attorney is going to tell you that you get married and then file an I-130 application for your spouse. Your spouse will most likely have to return and wait in his country for acceptance. Of course, that just depends on your situation and your attorney!

    Edit: The waiting process can be as little as 6 months (though THAT is extremely rare) to as long as three years. The average wait is about a year and a half.

    Edit 2: Why is everyone under the misconception that a person is automatically banned? A ban does NOT occur unless the person has been ordered to deport. If you and your fiance marry and he voluntarily leaves as his application is being processed, he will NOT be under a ban.

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