
How do you master an overhand serve?

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I'm pretty good at them,but I want to become more consistent!How do I master it?Thanks in advance!




  1. first, you have to develope a routine before you serve.  like for me I spin the ball in my hands 3 times.

    If you are a righty, place your left foot towards the net, slightly in front of your right foot. Your left heel should be in the middle of your right foot. If you are a lefty, do the opposite for all of these directions.

    Hold the ball with your opposite serving hand. (You should be holding it in front of your left foot if righty. Opposite if lefty.) Raise serving arm parallel to ear

    Toss the ball in front of your hitting hand. (The toss should be as far out as your arm can go and as high up as you arm can go. This may not be exact so practice finding the right height for you.)

    After you have tossed, swing your right hand forward, reaching as high as possible. Contact the middle of the ball with your whole hand.

    Once you have mastered the serve, trying flicking your wrist when you hit the ball for some spin.

    Step on your left foot as soon as you hit the ball.

    Don't forget to get into postion right away. You never know when the other team will return serve.


    Toss ball ahead of you and snap your wrist upon contact to create topspin which makes the ball dive as it crosses the net.

    Practice serving in different ways like holding your arm higher or spotting the ball with your left hand-remember:serve the way that you feel the most comfortable doing.

    Don't punch the ball, swing at it.

    To get the ball to go straighter over the net throw the ball out a little more.

    Spend some time practicing only your throw because it can mess up the whole serve.

    Using your momentum can help a lot especially if you have a small body

    Take a few steps or none, depending on how comfortable you feel.

    Make sure not to "slap" the ball.

    Get comfortable with how the ball will go where you toss it. For example, when you toss the ball far out in front, the ball will travel flat. In order to serve a nice loopy, short, ball, toss the ball a little closer to your shoulder. Balls that drop inside the 3-meter line is extremely deadly for the opposing team.

    You should be able to hear a solid thud when you hit the ball if it is a good serve.

    Make sure you follow through, sometimes if you don't the ball may travel a different direction.

    If you stop practicing for long periods of time, you may lose the skill of serving a volleyball.

    Lifting weights may help!

  2. The two main overhand serves that you want to master are the spin and the float. I would start with the float because a spin is easier to pass and harder to aim. With a float serve, hold the ball in the hand that is not hitting and stretch it out in front of you. Then toss the ball in the air about 4 feet and try to keep it from spinning. Then bring your hitting hand around high and hit the ball with your full hand. Sort of pull your hand off right after it hits, that's what makes it float.

  3. its pretty easy i learnt how to over serve in like half hour. get a volley ball and throw it. that is your swing it sounds stupid but that's how we were tort. when you get use to that close your hand and putt it so its just touching your shoulder then push it straight ford so that it is straight. throw a ball up and try it. we did and got really far with it. It even helps with your spike aswel.

  4. make sure to keep your arm up high and straight.  swing all the way through and if you are right handed step with your left then right foot.  make sure the ball hits your palm.  throw the ball with only one hand and make sure the ball is right above you.  try to snap your wrist.  the first times that you try to snap your wrist, the ball will probably go into the net.  keep practicing most of all!

  5. to get a float (the one that swerves and is the hardest to pass) serve: hit the ball with the palm of your hand

    to hit a topspin serve (the one tht spins down and drops right i front): hit the bal and roll your hand over it

    to hit a side spin serve (same as topspin but to the side): hit the ball and roll your hand to the side

  6. Keep practicing practicing practicing!I had the sam problem you did.Just find what works for you and stick with it!GOOD LUCK!!!!!

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