
How do you measure Success for you?

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and whats ur rising, sun, moon, and mars sign?

For me, if I put 100 % effort and try everything that I could in my power will be good enough. No matter what the outcome is. It's all about self-satifications for me.

For example, If I get a B on an exam and didn't think I study hard enough then I would be hard on myself even more than let say if I got a C grade and I tried everything in my power to study...haha..of course that wouldn't what I'm trying to say is that I don't always have the get the results that I long as I'm sastify with my effort and work.

Leo Rising

Taurus Sun

Cancer Moon

Aquarius Mars




  1. Throughout the years, my measure of success bounced from the materialistic, to the social and to the just plain childish. I'm not gonna give examples of what they were to avoid offending anyone. All I can say is none of them lasts forever.

    Right now, my measure of success is my resume. It's something permanent. I aim for scholarships and awards and do volunteer work because those are gold in your resume. They make it stand out. I also applied for outstanding jobs with letters of recommendations from teachers who know I'm capable. I'm also joining clubs when I get to University.

    I'm Pisces Sun, but I think that was my Virgo Moon talking.


    Okay, there's the Pisces in me. O_O

    Taurus Rising. Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Aries Mars.


    You always give the wisest answers wherever you post, Rock Star. It so obvious you're Libra. I can sense your grace and sophistication in your words. ;)

  2. I give 100% to every single thing I do...that's all I need to feel long as I try my hardest, I can accomplish anything, and I'm so aware of that...

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

    Taurus Mars  

  3. i read this poem when i was 12 and i have always remembered it and held it to be true in my heart

    To laugh often and much;

    to win the respect of intelligent people

        and the affection of children;

    to earn the appreciation of honest critics

        and endure the betrayal of false friends;

    to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;

    to leave the world a bit better,

        whether by a healthy child,

        a garden patch

        or a redeemed social condition;

    to know even one life has breathed easier

        because you have lived.

    This is to have succeeded.

    ~ralph waldo emerson~

    ....all the other astrology stuff i dont know about....all i know is my birth sign is leo....matter of fact my birthday is this friday

  4. sadly, i am very picky.

    if i don't get the EXACT outcome that i planned on having, in my mind that is self-failure. i may be a little too hard on myself, but i'm always striving for perfection.(oddly not a virgo).

    i have to get the exact outcome, at the exact time i planned it. if i don't get it, then i  get all moody and depressed, and i lock myself in my room and write stupid poems about how no one understands.


    -cancer sun

    aries rising

    taurus moon

    gemini mars

    queen rach: lol! thank you, your highness.

  5. Yes, I agree with you, Arch. It's the effort you put into something, the time and energy spent, and the lessons learned. I define success as a feeling of achievement, when I truly feel whole as a person, and have overcome my personal flaws. When I have not wasted my life away, but have gained something from my experiences, and ultimately evolved. Of course, it's great to be a winner, to come out on top, and be rewarded for your efforts, but sometimes the journey there is much more rewarding than the actual success itself. If I set a goal for myself, no matter how small, the fact that I was willing to reach for it, the fact that I put my mind to it, and tried my hardest, makes me feel good about myself.

    Libra Rising

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Mars

    Shady: I love your username. I want it. : )

    Thank you, Silly JC!

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