
How do you meditate correctly?

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  1. peace and quiet area with your eyes and ears closed from all activities around you

  2. There are many systems and techniques of meditation (link below).

    If your looking for a how to guide I suggest the book that I linked below.


  3. I don't think there is any wrong way actually. the above answers are great. There are certain forms of meditation which requires certain techniques, but just sitting quietly clearing your mind of all thought and just concentrating on your breathing is a good way of mediating.

  4. Focus, and block out other sounds around you, concentrate.

  5. Peace and quiet are really all you need. Some people focus on their breathing. Some sit cross legged. Some lie down in bed. Some hum. There are all different kinds of methods, but whatever works for YOU is the right way. Personally, I prefer guided meditations (click on the meditations tab at this site: but I'm also known simly to sit with my eyes closed and focus on my breathing. Lately I've begun to try a different method and focus on my heartbeat. I try not to stop and wallow on a thought, but let them pass through.

  6. There are many definitions of the word meditate. To a Christian, to meditate, means to think about only 1 subject for a certain period of time. An example would be to "meditate" on Christ's agony in the garden. You can also use the imagination and try to visualize the scene while you're thinking.

    In Hindu yoga ( I'm not talking about the stretches with relaxation that so many Westerners call yoga, but isn't) there are many different techniques that are designed to quiet the mind and bring about a "meditative state" that sometimes brings a higher level of mental or Spiritual consciousness.

    As far as which is "the best" technique for you to use, it somewhat depends on your purpose for "meditating". Do you just want to be at peace and relaxed whenever you want, or do you want to experience your union with God and live in that deathless and highest consciousness that Jesus talked about when He said, Those who believe in me though they die, yet shall they live; but those who LIVE and believe in me, shall never die".

    You can e-mail me any time and there is an excellent book named, "Meditation" by Mouni Sadhu that I recommend highly. There is an excellent preliminary book named, "Concentration" by the same author. both can be gotten at that huge on line bookstore or there is a Mouni Sadhu website where the books can be purchased also.

  7. It is easier to do when you have peace and quiet.  There are also breathing exercises you can do that would help.

    Of course, you could be in a kind of meditation no matter what you are doing.   When you are concentrating something and completely absorbed, isn't that a kind of meditation.?

  8. Sit in a quiet area, clear your mind, and focus only on your breathing.

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