
How do you meet Australian men online?

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Do they make good mates?




  1. Hi!

  2. and no they don't make good mates and that is my opinion cuz i already been out with a aussie and he just used me good luck hope you find the right man

  3. you could try browse and put australia as the country you would like to search.

  4. No they don't, we can't find out how to meet the good ones when we are already over here, the leftovers are ding dang hillbillies, more tools than teeth, and the others are bitter divorced dads or fabulously g*y and fun to go dancing with.  If you want to spend most of your life cleaning up after someone, pick an Aussie guy, learn how to start the lawn mower and god help you if you don't like football.  I can feel my eye's being gouged out from here.

  5. My friend has used the site -

    Australian men aren't much different to any other men... you get the good ones and you get the bad ones.  I still think it is better to meet them socially through friends and groups though than going on line.  You never know what you are going to get!

  6. You can just come here and find them in the pubs or at sporting events. Good luck. They might be a good mate for someone.

  7. I know where you can hook up with a couple of bitter and twisted women.....

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