
How do you memorize vocab words!?!?!?

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I can't remember the definitions for my vocab quiz tomorrow!!! there are a bout 15 words! how do i remember them? is there a fun way to do it? thank you sooo much!




  1. if you make flash cards with the word on one side and definition on the other side, it makes it a little more fun to study and i think it helps more than just looking at a list and trying to memorize them. you can take them anywhere with you and study whenever you have a few minutes. good luck on the quiz!

  2. look at one word and the definition

    then cover it up and say it

    look at the second word without relooking at the first

    then cover both words and definitions up and say both out loud then look at 3  cover say all  out loud and continue until youve got all the words then just keep doing that to the whole list a couple of times until you have them all memorized and your ready to go. its what i do and now i usually dont even have to study the night before because i taught myself to do that within one period so im ready for it the next period. good luck chica.

  3. Study lots and work till 6pm!

  4. 15 words? easy! It'll take time though. OK get 15 note cards and write the word on the front and the definition on the back. Don't just flip and flip. Go through them several times. First time or two look at the word (and say it aloud) and then flip it over and READ the definition , don't just glance.

    Then... Go through the deck attempting to guess the definitions that you remember. If you get it right, put that card off to the side. That way you get rid of the easier ones and focus on the harder ones. The last couple are the hardest but you will get  it. REPEAT. This time should be easy and fast! Drop the cards you get right. If you feel you still don't know them, repeat it all again until you do. you should know them by then though.

    Then at class take the cards out and go through them all again right before the quiz.

    last step... get a A ++++!

  5. study 5 the first nite then 5 more the next nite so u study 10 then on the third nite study all 15 till the test

  6. Break them up into little words.

    ex: concentrate


    Then get a friend or parent to go over them with you. the more dramatic they are while trying to give you hints for the word, the more you will remember.

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