
How do you mend a broken tree?

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Cows got into my orchard and broke the central stem on a pear and and apple tree although not all the way through. I had only planted the trees a year ago and have not had fruit yet. It is currently winter and pruning season here so I tidied up as much damage as I could trim. But I didnt want to lose the big branches so working with what I had I used people bandage and masking tape and stuck it all back together... will they recover and survive? What more can I do. Needless to say the cows will be gone by the end of the week!!




  1. My Dad years ago was worried about a branch breaking away from the tree, he used a long bolt & bolted the branches together.  Eventually the tree grew over the bolted ends, only saw the center of the bolt.  40 yrs. ago, that tree still stands with the bolt in it.

  2. cows?!  MAD COW DESISE!!!!lol but serusly    just replaant one

  3. trees need water to flow from the roots to the tips or else they die (xylem/phloem)

    if u  left a gap between the branches they might die

  4. they do make a tree bandage, its like a green gauze tape. Being wintertime doesn't help though, good luck and save me a burger!

  5. i have done this before, but im not sure about your tree. i cut several branches off and put in a bucket of water with miracle grow, they grew roots in about a week then i planted them 3 out of 5 survived... i hope you can save it.

  6. What you have done so far is very good. Make sure the repair is sound by possible adding a stiffener to the joint. Apple and pear trees are very hardy and will suffer some damage. A very hard pruning now and then will do no harm.

  7. I've did that before with tape, and it worked, but it did take a while for the tree to "take".  Actually, that is about the best thing you can do, is to bandage it up.  It is unknown if they'll recover and survive.  It may take a little longer for them to mend though.  The good thing with it being winter time there, is that most of the sap is in the roots, not in the tree.  So keep it taped up, don't let anyone remove that tape and go from there.  I wish you the best of luck.

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