
How do you move 2 cats across the country on a small budget?

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We are moving from Austin TX to Hartford CT about 2-3 days of driving, and we cannot afford pet relocation services for our 2 cats. Any advice?




  1. I've only got one cat - we drove from Minneapolis to Seattle together. I had all my belongings piled up in my car with me, and she just hung out on the top next to the ceiling, behind my car seat, and kept in contact with my head at all times - like kept her paw on my head. I think it helped her keep calm.

    I didn't put her in a carrier, 'cause I figured that would be cruel. She did crawl into my lap a couple of times and try to stick her head through the steering wheel, but then I just set her in the next seat and she figured that meant I wasn't going to let her do that.

    However, your cats may be very different from mine. Mine is very used to me, and was 8 or 9 years old at the time. Cats probably won't eat unless you stop the car. Mine wouldn't eat or drink or go to the bathroom until we had stopped for the night.

    Anyway, just take 'em in the car. it's not a big deal.  

  2. My parents moved 10 cats from MA to NC. They did it successfully. You will need carriers, litter boxes, food, and water. You will need to take some breaks. You can sneak into motel rooms with them. My parents did it. You can get medicine from the vet to calm the cats. It might be a good idea to get it just in case. Bring papertowels and hand towels. Just check on your furbabies to make sure they are ok. It's just 2-3 days. It's not forever.  

  3. I moved my dog when he was still a puppy, and I kept him in his crate in the backseat of my car.  I also contacted my vet ahead of time and told him about the move; he prescribed some light sedatives so that he would sleep during the trip, rather than whine and fuss.  It worked out well.  I'd talk to your vet and see what's available, then pack them up and go!

  4. TAKE THEM IN THE CAR/ truck.

    You have to make sure they don't get out of the car so when you will be getting in / out of the vehicle put them in a carrier.

    Even with the window open 2" they can escape... so don't do that.

    If it is HOT then you will have to take extra precautions and not leave them in a hot car w/o AC.  

    Make sure to also take a cat box in a 3ed carrier or box with the top cut off.   One of the grible water bottles can work .  or a non tipping water bowl.

    giving them camomile tea will also help with calmness. or ask your vet for some valium. (for them AND YOU!)

    GOOD LUCK!  there is going to be a lot of crying!

  5. I allowed my cats in the car... they were awful!  I drive across the country from California to Michigan. I say if you really have no other options then take a disposable litter box, water bottle for animals, food, a large crate (equip with their fav blanket), and ADVIL for you. :)

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