
How do you move a house plant to a bigger pot without killing it in the process?

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How do you move a house plant to a bigger pot without killing it in the process?




  1. prepare the plant by watering well a few days ahead of time.put what growing medium will fit in the bottom of the new pot,with the soil in the old pot now dried some it ,the plant should lift out easily as you rotate it and lift at the same time.if not then use a butter knife to loosen from old pot.*going around the edges.Set in new pot adding planting medium as you go. I use ferti-loam as I have found it to be the best.

    *never let your pot get too old"

  2. Just put some soil in the new pot, take out carefully the plant from the old pot, with all the soil if posible, and put it in the new one. Fill the sides with new soil, and water the plant.

  3. easy  get bigger pot put plant in and put more soil in then water. happens every day without harm

  4. It depends on the plant and how big it it and the type of pot  but most plants should survive the move  if the soil is dry then I'd water it and then wait 6 -8 hours

    all the best

    or try this site it may help you

    love n hugggles brad xxx123

  5. just move it in bigger pot then gave it more water and soil. make sure you have to water it everyday.

  6. Buy some vitamin B complex for plants and mix it into the soil. This helps to keep the plant from going into shock when replanted.

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