
How do you move on after your close relationship with another family ends?

by Guest34405  |  earlier

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I'm 19 & have been babysitting for this family for a year. I babysat the little girl every weekend for at least 6 hours & we were very close. I was also very close with the mom, who confided a lot in me & vice versa. We used to go to lunch, go to the park with her little girl, & just hang out & talk. When I babysat I often hung out with the parents afterwards, or if I babysat overnight they had me spend a lazy morning with them.

Over the past year I have grown to really love this family, but 2 months ago they suddenly stopped getting me to babysit. A month ago I asked what happened & the mom said they needed separation between their personal life & their daughter's daycare life (I work at her daycare, but not with her group). I asked if I did something wrong & she reassured me I didn't, but didn't elaborate on their decision.

I miss them & can't move on because I don't know what happened. I've hinted that I would like to know more, but haven't directly asked.

How do I move on?




  1. Something has happened and you need to move on.  If they have not discussed it with you by now then chances are that they will not.  You need to consider two things: first, it is entirely possible that this has nothing to do with you.  Second, if you have no idea what happened,  then it is all perception on their part and you are being treated unfairly.  Do you really want to open a can of worms and learn the answers to questions that you might not be prepared to hear.  I think what probably happened is that the little girl asked for you when she was upset and the mom feels threatened.  You are not going to be invited back so move on.

  2. You should go over there when both of the parents are home.  Tell them you respect their decision and you will abide by it, tell them it is haunting you, ask them what did you do that was DISBURBING  to them (because you never want to repeat whatever it is again to lose a friendship that you will always cherish).

  3. Sounds like maybe they just want the life back. It is kind of odd that you would sleep over after baby sitting. Did you maybe have a crush on the baby's father? just asking cause sometimes it happens.  

    I would just let it be.  It's not your place to ask anymore q?  Besides they have already told you that they don't need you any more.  respect there wishes.

    good luck.

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