
How do you move pictures from one windows account to another?

by  |  earlier

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I was on my laptop and saved some pictures but i was in another users name when i did and i am trying to get those pictures to my account without going back into hers because she has a password and i do not know it.

Dont i go to control panel or something??




  1. You could try my computer and drag the picture into an account name or I recommend you use a blank cd and just drag the picture in and open it in your account.

  2. Her account, because it has a password, will not let you copy the pictures unless she goes in and opens her account. But if there is an Administrator Account, and she has not made her My Pictures folder Private, the Administrator Account can look into and copy things from any User Account, and often from another Administrator Account. An Administrator Account can also change or remove passwords from User Accounts and (often) other Administrator Accounts. In the Control Panel, check User Accounts to see what type of Account you have.

    The best way to share pictures from one user to another is to place copies of them in the All Users Account, creating a separate My Pictures folder there. The All Users Account isn't a real Account you can log in to, but shows up in Windows Explorer as a different Account, usually just below the Administrator Account in the tree. Everyone who uses the computer can get access to the All Users Account anytime. This would be best for the future.

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