
How do you navigate using a compass. Very basic instructions only please. Thank you.?

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How do you navigate using a compass. Very basic instructions only please. Thank you.?




  1. dead easy.

    figure out which way you want to be going. Stand still. Hold compass level and turn the lirrle wheel so that the N is where the compass is pointing. From here you can see which way is south east west etc and adjust your course accordingly

  2. A compass just tells you which direction the boat is pointing (if it's adjusted properly).   You can look on a nautical chart to see the direction of magnetic (not true) north and then the direction indicated by your compass in degrees.  "Dead Reconning"  is just multiplying your speed by the time spent to get the distance that you know the direction, you can extrapolate your position by a straight line of the correct length from a known position.   You can also find your position by the intersection of bearings taken from the compass on two or more distance landmarks, like buoys or smokestacks or lighthouses....which are also shown on the nautical charts.   You need good charts in either event.     It ain't hard,  but the compass is just part of the picture.   To learn simple coastwise navigation,   take the power squadron course or read a book,,,,   but a compass alone just tells you where you are pointing.

  3. This looks a good site with uncomplicated instructions

  4. it is a very simple piece of equipment, the needle will point north, from that bit of information you can decide in which direction you need to travel in to get to your destination if all you want to do is travel in a certain direction, I.E. North, or South, or Southwest etc.

  5. Skullian had a good explanation, however may I add: There is an old maritime saying "You can't know where you are unless you know what time it is". Anyway that's just some added information. Maybe TMI. Did you also know that with a simple wrist watch with hands you can use it in conjunction with the sun to know which way is north, east, west, south? Again maybe TMI.

    Here are some places to visit:

  6. First get a chart with the place you intend to sail, draw a line on the chart then position your compass on the chart if you are unable to know your heading by just looking at it, make the chart's North line up with the compass north then read off the angle you have drawn on the chart, that will be your heading, always sail with that heading on the compass

  7. Assuming you want to navigate a boat using a magnetic compass:

    First find your present location and your destination on a nautical chart.  Draw a line from where you are to where you want to go.  Use your parallel rules to determine the compass heading of the line.  Use the circle labeled "magnetic" to get the magnetic compass heading to sail.

    Now set out on your course.  Use the magnetic compass to keep the boat headed along the desired compass heading.

    Always be sure the compass is accurate.  They drift after a while, and must be readjusted.  Have your compass swung every six months if you use it for open water navigation.

    For much more information, including pictures and diagrams, do an internet search on "compass navigation" or "seamanship."

  8. Look at your compass before leaving port. Return using the opposite heading.

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