
How do you negotiate for a car?

by  |  earlier

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I am planning on purchasing a used vehicle. The dealer is selling it for $9,800. That price is $1000 over Kelly Blue Book and NADA value of the car. I am willing to pay $8500 in cash for the vehicle (including taxes, title, everything). This is small dealership and the vehicle has been on the lot for over 3 weeks. There are also 2 other local dealerships with the same vehicle for sale. Would a good negotiating tacit be to get a bank check for $8500, and tell the dealership that “I would rather avoid the going back and forth between negotiating because I know my maximum price is $8500 and I will give you bank check for that right now? If you do not want to take it, I will go to one of the other dealerships.”

Or is there a better way to go about it with still getting the price that I want for the car?




  1. Your approach is a good all depends on how much the dealer has in the car..if he can make a quick thousand or even 800 he would be stupid not to...going between dealers ia good business and will be good for you in the long run..

  2. Don't trade yours in and don't pay more than $7000. Take cash.

  3. If KBB is $8800, the actual value of the car is probably closer to $8200.  Most dealerships sell cars for below MSRP.  $8500 out the door might be an OK deal.  $8K would be more acceptable.  Good luck.  (I sell cars!)

  4. sounds like you got it. if you have the cash at hand then do it. if they dont take it then they are fools. thats what i would do.

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