I am planning on purchasing a used vehicle. The dealer is selling it for $9,800. That price is $1000 over Kelly Blue Book and NADA value of the car. I am willing to pay $8500 in cash for the vehicle (including taxes, title, everything). This is small dealership and the vehicle has been on the lot for over 3 weeks. There are also 2 other local dealerships with the same vehicle for sale. Would a good negotiating tacit be to get a bank check for $8500, and tell the dealership that “I would rather avoid the going back and forth between negotiating because I know my maximum price is $8500 and I will give you bank check for that right now? If you do not want to take it, I will go to one of the other dealerships.â€Â
Or is there a better way to go about it with still getting the price that I want for the car?