
How do you nominate someone for a "gong" - as in Queen's Honour list?

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How do you nominate someone for a "gong" - as in Queen's Honour list?




  1. I was told you have to get 12 people to nominate them,,,i tried to nominate one person,,,but this is the reply i got back,,,,and i wrote to number ten downing street,,,,,

  2. In Australia, nomination forms and instructions are available from your local Federal MP.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Yes, as the others have said before me. It's in the public domain and anyone is free to nominate.

  4. Go to

    You'll see this:

    How to Nominate

    The Honours system is a way to recognise outstanding merit and service to the nation. It's been around for centuries but only since 1993 has the public been able to make nominations themselves. That's where you come in.

    Step by step guide to making a nomination

    1. What's in it for you?

    For starters, knowing you're helping to recognise someone whose efforts may often go unnoticed and unrewarded. And doing so in one of the most highly respected - and nationally celebrated - ways possible.

    But there are other reasons, too. When they are honoured, the organisation or area where they work or volunteer is also recognised.

    They may hold the Honour, but everyone shares the pride and pleasure it brings.

    2. Who can be nominated?

    Anyone can be nominated, but only exceptional people are honoured. To be in with a chance of seeing your candidate on the Honours List, make sure your nomination has what it takes to make it all the way to Buckingham Palace. Achievement comes in many forms but what we're looking for is someone who has made a difference in their field of work or community.

    Honours can be awarded for all sorts of work - paid or unpaid - but your nominee must still be involved in the activity for which they're nominated.

    Has your nominee:

    made a difference to their community or field of work

    brought distinction to British life and enhanced its reputation

    exemplified the best sustained and selfless voluntary service

    demonstrated innovation and entrepreneurship

    carried the respect of their peers

    changed things, with an emphasis on achievement

    improved the lot of those less able to help themselves

    displayed moral courage and vision in making and delivering tough choices

    3. Get a copy of the nominations form and read the guidance notes

    You can download and print them from this website. Alternatively, you can write, telephone or e-mail us requesting paper copies to be sent to you.

    Nomination form and guidance notes

    4. Read the guidance notes carefully and complete the form as fully as possible

    5. Ensure that you have the required letters of support

    6. Find out more

    You may wish to consider the honours process, how decisions about honours are made and read some case studies.

    Nominations process

    How decisions are made

    Case studies

    7. Return the form to us

    You can send it by post, by email or you can fax it.

    Ceremonial Secretariat

    Cabinet Office

    35 Great Smith Street

    London SW1P 3BQ

    Fax: +44 (0)20 7276 2766


    8. The process

    Nominations are collated and then sorted according to the nominee's area of expertise by the Ceremonial Secretariat. Expert committees can then compare like with like - for instance, teacher with teacher. The best candidates are put forward to the Prime Minister, who then presents the Committee list and identifies the strongest cases to The Queen.

    9. Checking progress

    As you can imagine, verifying a large number of nominations takes time. That's why the nominee should not expect to hear anything for 18 months or so. You can contact the Ceremonial Secretariat if you would like to check on progress.

    10. The decision

    If selected, candidates are sent a letter asking them whether they would be willing to accept an Honour. Almost everyone does and their names will appear in The London Gazette at the New Year or on The Queen's official birthday in June...

  5. Cough up some £££

    Money talks.

  6. Here you go.Start here

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