
How do you not be awkward?

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gggrrrr, i'm 15 right now and I hate being awkward!!! sometimes it's really easy for me to be myself, but a lot of the time when I say things I can't seem to put any personality into it, and i almost never look at people or at their eyes when I talk. I figured I'd grow out of it until a friend and I realized that one of our teachers is still really awkward, and he's an adult! how do you like shed awkwardness??? thank you!!!!!!!!! :)




  1. If there were an easy answer, there would be no awkward people. The key, really, is to accept yourself as you are, flaws and all. Even people who are naturally awkward come across as much less so and are more desirable to be around than awkward people who are self conscious about their awkwardness.

    In other words, if you want to come across as less awkward, worry less about being awkward.

  2. to be yourself yo dongt have to me i know...i tried acting like someone im not and it didnt coem out right.then i decided to just stop TRYING to please other people so they can like someone im not.people respect me because im myself and i dont have to be the perfect sociall pereson.just be yourself thats the best you can do for yourself.

    its some things that you wont stop doing until the day you die you just have to get comfterble with it and know that its part of who you are =)

  3. study poise

    then learn the acting of poise

    then, whenever you feel awkward, you just 'act' confident, whether your really feel it or not, and many people wont know the difference, and then you feel more confident

    this doesnt necessarely mean directing more attention to yourself, it may mean deflecting it - you can act confident, when you're saying nothing at all

    women wrote books about this decades ago, and they pretty much had it right - this stuff never changes

  4. i think awkward is cool and really hot

  5. Oh my gosh. I'm pretty much the queen of awkward silence and just being totally awkward overall. I've learned that people find it really funny, and it's kinda cute. :]  Don't try to change it. My friends tell me they love how awkward I am. Sometimes it's kinda embarassing, but that's what makes you, you!

  6. Practice confidence.  Practice looking people in the eye and dressing and walking with confidence.  Look in the mirror each morning and say to yourself -out loud "I am an interesting person, and everyone wants to hear what I have to say!"

    Soon, you will begin to see a difference.

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