
How do you not let people get to you?

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If someone insults me, even on the internet, it really gets to me and I can't move on and for the rest of the day I can't do anything cos I'm so sad. People who don't know me seem to know exactly what to say to upset me.

How can one brush off insults and move on with their day and not think twice about what the person said, and not let them stop you from living your life and being happy?




  1. You are LETTING them get to you.  

  2. Accept the things you can't change, change the things you can and have the wisdom to know the difference

    Otherwise, tell yourself this:  "It's as it should be".

    Or, be proactive and make a website.  Use the website to tell your version of the truth and show them in quotes or something.  Say you are angry.  "I'm angry and I'm not taking this anymore."  Do your part and say so.

    "I'm doing my part and if you want to attack my reputation, go ahead.  But I'll be here to defend it.  You are wrong and I'm showing you are wrong and why you are wrong."  

    Don't agree with them even if you tolerate them.

    They can't win unless you let them win.

  3. As long as you know the truth.  dont listen to them what gets them mader if you smile at them and say thanks for the compliment. i do it every time some one says it its mostly girls . but all i know its not the truth:)

    Hope i helped

  4. Know this: Folks who insult others or try to wind up others are little pissers and not worth a second thought.


  5. Just ignore them and think about how pathetic they are if they have nothing else to do but be mean and insult you!

  6. ignore them... talk to yourself after you wake up in the morning and say... why am i like this?.... (self-therapeutic)

  7. just remember that some people are mean and like to hurt others, your opinion of yourself is what matters.  

  8. well if someone is getting to me just b the bigger person n not say anything. like yesterday my dad was getting to my brother so my cousin said not to say anything. be the bigger person. don't say anything back cause it will make the matters worse.

  9. Just let it you honestly think the people who insult you think anymore about after they do that imature stuff?

  10. Just ignore them, and try not to let them get to you.........  I get called all kinds and i really dont give a $hit..........x

  11. People don't have to know you to hurt your feelings.I am like you in a way.Very thin skin.But the truth is,people will always be mean.Everywhere you go.It's you that will have to be more accepting to how people in this world is.Smile at the insulter...become prone to rude-ness.It will never change.

  12. just smile at them and keep it movin!!

  13. because in the end they are just plain jerks who need to get a life, don't take it personally because they are not your life.  also when you see a snippy reply to questions on answers remember the person who is writing that snippy reply and just what a piece of trash they are.

  14. It's very important that you understand that when someone is upset with you, it's not about you, it's about them.

    If I'm walking in the street, and some random person said "Hey, you're stupid!", it's not about me. That person in that moment was upset about a situation that probably had nothing to do with me, and the only way they know how to handle their stress, is to put it all on you. You can do 1 of 2 things. Allow them to poison your mind, or say "I'm sorry you feel that way" and keep it moving.

    It's never about you, it's always about the person that is dishing their stuff out... always

  15. The more you love and accept yourself the less impacted you'll be by insults from other people.  The sad things is most people say mean things because they are unhappy with themselves.  So, how do you love yourself and not let insults hurt you? could start by asking God to help you let it roll off.   It works!

  16. just think,why should it bother you

    you have better things to do with your life  than get upset

  17. I think that you are over sensitive, You need to learn to move on and ignore stuff sometimes do not let people get to you.

  18. think about it. so what? its just a word, think of more important things.

  19. I am like that sometimes, and all you can do is tell yourself how miserable that person must be.......In person, I stay away from people like that.*

  20. Wow you have got to be kidding me right? The internet is a joke, you should never let the words from the net hurt you in anyway. It's a place where anonymity roams in which in can say or do anything! A bunch of little 12 years old gather up and randomly shout out profanity. But in real life, keep your chin up high, and say another insult to them or just say s***w YOU buddy and walk away. Don't let them get to you. The world can be cruel so you have to deal with it.

  21. Have a lower opinion of the person insulting you.  And you know that they are nothing special, because otherwise they wouldn't need to insult people to make themselves feel better.

  22. You have to consider the source of these insults. These people have problems of their own and some are just down right cruel. I don't let comments like this bother me because I am confidant in myself and you should be the same. You can't stop the remarks from coming your way, but when they do, let roll off your back. Be strong.

  23. Are the insults even true?

    Don't believe what you know isn't true. Ignore them, but don't send back anything because that will just compel them to insult you even more. Show them that you could care less what they say about you. When someone insults me, I just shrug and say something like-

    If that's what you think about me, go ahead and think it. I don't care.

    Don't let these minor comments ruin your day, as you said, they don't even know you. How could they know what your like?

  24. Just remember the internet is not real. I have known too many guys totally freaked out cause some little hottie turns out to be a little piggie. So just let it roll off your back. Not everyone is what they seem on line.

  25. Omg, same for me I'll worry about it and get upset but I do what Exotic said and it works everytime =)

  26. just be glad to be alive. or go beat the **** outa them

  27. Your really sensitive. Most people would cus back.

    Just remember that THEY DON'T KNOW YOU!! You have better friends and others who care.

    Hope that helps.  

  28. I would have to say to just think of the good things in your life and go toward the road you have always wanted to! i think that the people that are trying to get you down should stop it because they have no right to do that to you! i hope this helps!

  29. well just remember they ar not real friend they are on the internet.

    I think i know what you mean because this kinda happen to me, when people Say stuff to me on the internet i do feel hurt

    but just think of it as they are just sad people (who there ar eon the internet) who just take the p**s just leave it and find something to make you happy.

    because in the end they are just plain a******s who need to get a life, don't take it personally because they are not your life ... or like your best friend so trey not to dewl on it

    i know easier said than done but try!

    good luck!


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