
How do you not look like a tourist in France for the Summer?

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like what do guys wear? jeans or shorts? what kind of shoes? Vans? Whats the trend?




  1. Things to wear if you want to look like a tourist:  baseball cap, jogging shoes, baggy clothes, aloha shirts, sport coat AND blue jeans (French ppl in France usually don't wear this combo, don't ask me why--idk), camera around your neck. Map in hand (you can put the map in your pocket and just take it out when you need to check something).  Being really overweight makes you look like a tourist too.  OTOH, nobody expects ppl to lose a whole lot of wt. before travelling.  

    What to wear:  their shoes look different from those sold in the US, but black or brown leather is commonly worn.  Gucci like loafers might work.  Slacks and shirts worn by Frenchmen tend to fit well.  French ppl also tend to carry briefcases, not backpacks. Have a great trip!

  2. im french! tip number 1: dont wear a baret!  jeans r in, no shorts! and converse are so in! you could get away with vans though. the punkish rock style is in. no matter what you do dont go preppy! preppy is deffinitly not in style in france! ok, good luck!

  3. they wear shorts and stiped polo tees. you can wear flip flops or converses.

  4. Tweed jacket - double jumper - tie - satchel - merinos trousers - weston shoes - loden coat - umbrella

       Don't forget your bike - very trendy + stars and stripes flag, trendy ? depends

  5. Unless you plan on dressing like the caricature of a dorky tourist, dress for your own comfort and convenience.

    The reality is that there are millions of tourists in France during the summer. No one will notice one more or care in the slightest what you are wearing.

    Nor can you hope to avoid being identified as a tourist since, in all likelihood, the instant you open your mouth, you will immediately give yourself away.

    In any case, the French, especially the young, don't dress all that differently than any other young people in the western industrialized nations. That's one effect of globalization.

    Dont' believe me? Check out this little video of a Left Bank club  Do these people dress all that differently than you do?

  6. you can wear anything that you would wear in america, the only way they can tell your a tourist right off is if you carry a bunch of stuff on you like a map thats a dead give away

  7. France has so many tourists during the Summers months that it won't matter!  If you're going to be in Paris, it really doesn't matter how you dress - it's an international city full of all types of people.  If you'll be all over France, I would dress more conservatively (as opposed to 'goth', for example).  I don't know if you're British or American (or from another English speaking country) but if you want to blend in more then don't wear sweat pants in public, don't carry a coffee (thermo) cup around with you everywhere you go, don't drape yourself with french scarves unless you know how to wear them, and don't speak!  I am an American living in France, and the minute I open my mouth everyone knows I'm not from around here!

  8. My advice is: pack up a minimum amount of clothes and when you are in France, spend a 200 EUR budget at High Street Men's clothes outlets e.g. Celio for example.

    Fabien Cordiez

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