
How do you not think so hard while playing a sport? PLEASE NEED YOUR HELP!?

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i play ice hockey and up until this season i would never over think it out on the ice. how do you keep your head out there? i mean i cant relax. all the stuff is getting messed up. how do i stay relaxed? what works for you guys?




  1. NIPS advice is great! Just to add to that, remember keep it simple out there. You play the game, so just do what got you this far. Read the play and anticipate. Even the pros makes mistakes so don't feel you have to be perfect every shift on the ice. You play a very fun game, so just have fun with it. A baseball coach once told, don't go up to bat and swing for the fence, 99 times out of 100 it won't happen. Just make contact and let the rest fall in place, I won the league batting title that year. Point is you don't need to score every shift or make the huge wide open pass every shift those things will come, when you take care of the basics.

    Talk to your line mates, communication is key, if you are going through a rough patch, talk to them, if they are true teammates I am sure they will help you out, maybe they will show up to practice early or stay late to help get your confidence back.

    Good Luck and have fun!

  2. just remember to keep it simple out there... also, be patient when you have the puck.. don't get rid of it so fast by thinking there's someone on your a** right away...

  3. Just relax. Remember it's just a game. I try to do that and it workds

  4. Try listening to music before a game. Stuff with a good beat, but not death metal or anything like that. Bob Seeger, or some Trance or something like that. That helps a lot. But really, it's all in how you view the game. Just take it a little less seriously, and that'll help a lot.

    My personal playlist for the drive to the rink (in this order):

  5. Actually a guy by the name of Chris Osgood had this problem and he somehow overcame his issues regarding your subject.

    Somehow..... find a way to contact him via email thru the Red Wings site and I am sure he would be more than happy enough to share his solution with you. He is a good guy like that.

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