
How do you observe Ramadan?

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I ask my Islamic brothers & sisters, what is the significance of Ramadan?

When does it start & end?

How will you personally observe these Holy days?

I would like to understand & honor you at this time.

Thank you for answering & Blessings!




  1. I get up at sehri (urdu word for suhoor) and eat paratha and Pakistani pickles (I eat Pakistani dishes because my parents are Pakistani and I'm Pakistani) and drink loads of water

    Fast all day. Break fast with 3 dates as per sunnah. Then, eat pakora, samosa, salan, chawal, roti (not all at once obviously) and maybe sweets.

    Fasting day ends.

  2. I observe Ramadan as a holy month.

    Its a month [30 amazing days]

    It starts this year on the 1st of September.

    Are you a muslimah?


  3. "The Inner Heart Blossoms."

    A lengthy discourse on Ramadan would take several hours.

    The specific time and formalities can be found most anywhere. This is one of the duties of man, that man must come to understand. There is an outer Ramadan and there is an inner Ramadan. Let us examine the inner Ramadan........



    A very young student asked a fully realized teacher these questions:

    What is the hunger of another?

    The teacher's reply was: "Have you not experienced your own hunger?"

    What is the thirst of another?

    The teacher's reply was: "Have you not experienced your own thirst?"

    What is the sorrow of another?

    The teacher's reply was: "Have you not experienced your own sorrow?"

    What is the yearning of another?

    The teacher's reply was: "Have you not experienced your own yearning?"

    Finally the teacher gazed at the very young student with joy and softly responded:

    "My child by all means possible you should experience these, for they will allow you to taste the nectar of compassion. For it is only through compassion that the petals of the heart are allowed to open, allowing contentment and peace to enter, the hidden chamber within your heart."

    "Peace be always with you."

  4. One of the most important rewards of Ramadan is that when a Muslim completes the entire month of fasting Allah forgives all of his/her sins.

    Fasting renews a Muslim's faith and commitment to the Islamic way of life.  It also reminds us to help others who don't have enough to eat.

    Ramadan will start, most likely, on Sept 1st.

    In addition to fasting in Ramadan, most Muslims read the entire Qur'an from the beginning to the end, and offer special extra optional prayers (Salat-al-Tarawih) during the evening.  During the last ten nights of Ramadan, most Muslims offer special late-night prayers (salat-al-Tarawih.)

    Ramadan is an especially good time to offer other acts of worship, especially charitable acts and donations.  Many Muslims choose to pay their zakat (charity based on the value of one's financial holdings) during Ramadan.

    Children, the ill, women who are menstruating or recovering from childbirth, and travelers are excused from fasting, but adults who have missed fasts have to make them up later on during the year.  People who are permanently unable to fast can, instead, donate money to feed the poor.

    Ramadan is also one of the best times to offer the Umrah, the optional lesser pilgrimmage to Makkah.

    Interestingly, Muslims generally feel relaxed and lighthearted during Ramadan.  In fact, in a Muslim country, a person can feel Ramadan coming.  The very atmosphere is different than it is in everyday life.

  5. Allah's messenger saws says, Allah, the Almighty has said: "Every act of man is for him except fasting, it is done for My (Allah's) sake and I will give reward for it. The breath of a faster is sweeter to Allah than the fragrance of musk."   So the significance is that it is the only thing done solely and exclusively for the pleasure of Allah swt.  It will start on9/1 or 9/2 inshallah and continue for 29 or 30 days.  I spend these days doing as many acts of worship as I can do, asking for forgiveneness and praying for others.  

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