
How do you offer help in Japanese?

by Guest57481  |  earlier

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How can I say "need help?" or "can I help you with anything?" in Japanese? Something quick and short will do.




  1. Can I help you?

    O te tsu da i s**+ ma sho u ka.

    O te tsu da i( means help) s**+ ma sho u ka.( means Shall I)

    Are you ok?

    Dai jyo bu desu ka.(formal)

    Dai jyo bu(casual)

  2. There is a quick and simple way to say it =D

    手伝おうか。tetsudaou ka?

    Basically just using volitional form.

    It's casual/plain speech though, so if you want to be polite, you can say:

    何か手伝いましょうか。nanika tetsudaimashou ka?

    or more polite:

    何かお手伝いしましょうか。nanika o-tetsudai shimashou ka?


    EDIT: Of course there's always the ubiquitous "大丈夫?daijoubu?" (are you alright/okay?)  Though that only really makes sense if the work looks harsh/difficult or if the person is hurt.  In other cases you would use what I mentioned earlier.

    Polite form:

    大丈夫ですか。daijoubu desu ka?

  3. 'daijoubu desu ka?' : 'are you alright?'

    it can also be used as 'need help?'

    and informal would be just 'daijoubu?'

  4. Aaaaaauuuuugh, Domo kawasaki.

  5. You can say it like:

    "Tetsudai ma shou ka?"

    (手伝 (te tsuda) いましょうか?)

    "Otetsudai shimasho ka?"

    (お手伝 (te tsuda) いしましょうか?)

    "Nani ka dekirukoto wa arimasu ka?"

    (何 (nani) かできることはありますか?)

    Hope this helps! :)

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