
How do you open a locker???

by  |  earlier

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im home schooled and i am starting a regular school this year but the problem is i dont know how to open a locker!!




  1. Well it all depends on what you are talking about..

    Like if u don't know how to unlock it, it depends on what kind of lock you have..

    if its this lock.. you will get 3 numbers.. say its 33-15-2

    You spin it to the right till you get to 33 then to the left (passing 33 again, you always pass the first number) to 15, then go straight to the right to 2, dont pass 15..

    If its just a normal lock with numbers then put the numbers in the right order.. (you might have to buy a lock)

    There are many different lockers to open, most of the time you just push up on the metal part sticking out but sometimes u pull it if you catch my drift.. let me know if u have anymore questions..

  2. you will get a combo of 3 numbers EX:




    You will go left to "25"

    Rigt to "47"

    and left to "18"

    and it should open.

    Good luck, and I hope I helped.

  3. you do one full turn around to the right then go to the first number. then past the first number and into the second[right] and then the third.[left]

    hope i explained it enought.

    if you need help you can always ask a teacher/student.

    that's what i did.

    i took a while to get it; and your not the only one who doesn't know how.

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