
How do you overclock?

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How do you overclock?




  1. Go here to read up on it:

    it really depends on the CPU you have and  the motherboard options.

    Warning....Tweaking that extra 10% can cause CPUs to be flaky or increase the risk of it burning up.

  2. Once the CPU speed been settled, then there's no way you able to overclock it.  Unless, the person who setup the computer for you did not lock this feature, then you have a chance to go into bios to do so.

  3. just a warning about doing this.  If you push the performance to far over what it was designed for it can cause a host of problems such as shutdown due to overheating, overheating to a point causing damage etc.  ut if you still really want to do it then it involves editing you bios setting to run the system over what it is but do not set it to high or you may find your system fail altogether.

  4. Be extremely careful you can kill your pc if you do not know what you are doing. (over clocking reduces the life of you CPU) you can Overclock in the BIOS, I would advise you not to. Especially if you don’t know what BIOS stands for or how to get in to it.
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