
How do you overcome Writers Block?

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How do you overcome Writers Block?




  1. I had the same problem!! I joined a free writing site called

    They have great features and worth checking out!! Once I was around other writers I became inspired to write again.

  2. I've got a bad case myself. The way i get rid of it is to separate myself from electronics and pace around the house, just to look at objects for inspiration. Since my story is the topic that is always on my mind, i'll think up a piece of dialogue just by seeing that one object. If that doesn't work then i'll read a book or watch a movie close to the topic of my story, just staying in that genre gives me ideas for bits and pieces of my story. But sadly, most inspiration comes when i'm asleep.

  3. It all depends on how far you are willing to go to overcome it. Most people (and this group of folks either has the right idea or they just are coming out of left field) say that it is a sickness - or more so a disease that all writers will face at one point if time - like it's something a couple Advil and a glass of water will throw away. I personally disagree and agree with them simultaneously. When i first started writing my novel last year (well, it really wasn't as serious as it got during March of this year) i could only bang out maybe a couple hundred words a day. I totally believed that everything i put on paper was c**p and I would never amount to anything but a day job at McDonald's. In light of that, i only managed to get about sixteen pages done (in longhand) in about a couple days. Now, that might not seem very small, but with the patience i have with myself, it wasn't enough. So I kicked the idea around in my head for about 7 months, trying to come up with at least a good first line to spark something. It didn't work out. But in the meantime, i wrote short stories tjhat i really didn't care about now that i think about it in hindsight, and worked at my job. Then suddenly in March, or maybe it was the end of Feburary, inspiration caught up with me. And when it did, it was relentless. I started getting into the routine of typing 2000 words a day. Since that time, my laptop crashed on me, and I'm working to get it fixed, but i now have a 153,617 word novel and the second one in the series is no more that an outline in my head. So all I have to say to you now is the best thing for you to do is write through writers block; write through it and eventually, something will come out of it.

  4. I talk with other writers or friends who will listen to my ideas and bounce concepts back at me, I have a bad case of writers block right now and need a new head to converse with.

  5. Take a nap, go for a hike swim.  Anything that will clear your mind and allow the ideas to flow.  Sometimes I'll go bake something.  

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