
How do you overcome being so stressed out at work that you stay angry in your heart? ?

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I work in a highly stressful job (nursing home that is usually understaffed). I am just wondering how others who work in the same type of environment stay calm throughout the day and don't let things get to them? I get so frustrated that I pop-off to other co-workers. I always go apologize afterwards and then ask Allah for forgiveness, but there has to be another way. I don't WANT to do this and I hate that I do.

Any suggestions?




  1. just relax!  

  2. God tests everyone in this world.

    Countless good & bad tests.

    The more difficult (physically & emotionally) you are tested here the more you will be rewarded on the dayafter.

    The more patience & the more clever you handle the test the more successful you are here & in the dayafter.

    So, do not let other people or certain situation govern your attitude. If it is not necessary to put passion in work, dismiss all the emotional feelings.

    You are the only one who can choose to be happy.

    Take care!

  3. Ignore it, or just get a new job.

  4. read the book 'dont be sad' maybe take a few quotes that inspire you and instead of speaking to coworkers, read these quotes

  5. Maybe you should change your personality to being a quiet person =) like me.

    It helps alot since i dont talk much.

    Anyway dont let that anger build, just let it go away....

    Leave the care cup empty !!

    And ofcourse dont forget =p

    The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said that “a strong man is not one who can fight, but one who can control his temper when he is angry.” [Al-Bukhari]

    Also there was in another hadith something like when u feel angry , if you are standing, then sit down, if you are sitting down then lay down and calm down for a while =)

    Remember good character is important.

    Yes keep on striving and you will get results.

    That is called Jihad al nafs, striving against your soul.....

    And do not be like others who were stuck in the cycle of "I am trying" but even if they were left for 50 years there would be no change =P no more trying just do it XD (i.e the fighting, and soon it will go, ofcourse Ask Allah to help you with that too...)

  6. You should undrestand what anger actually is, otherwise you'll never actually understand what's controlling you.

    Anger is part of hatred-rooted consciousness. Hatred-rooted consciousness includes fear, worry, stress, sorrow, anger, hatred and despair.

    Anger can be classified the following way:

    1. Nature: Intensity

    2. Function: To consume/to burn whatever it is in contact with

    3. Manifestation: To persecute, to do unfair and cruel things

    4. Proximate cause: A ground for annoyance

    When you recognise anger rising, analyse it. Upon analysis, try observe the feeling without attachment. Emotions are like clouds- they come and go without your control, but you can can control whether you'll cling to them or not.  You become angry becausey our mind tells you "you should cling to this emotion because of this situation", but wisdom is saying "do not cling to this emotion in spite of the situation because suffering will arise from it".

    Things like exercise will make you a better runner and give you stronger muscles, but they're still not going to help your mind. Exercise releases endorphins which give a natural high, but it's still won't address the root cause.

  7. I also worked in a highly stressful job where I interviewed 8-10 people daily and had to act professional even though sometimes I felt like bopping them on the head or shouting at them.  This is what I didn't do but should have -- exercise it off as soon as I got home.  Everything I've read makes that suggestion plus stating that because exercise makes you healthier you are more able to deal with stress when it happens.

    Whatever - I wish you well and remember, most jobs are filled with stress nowadays; some just more than others.

  8. I don't advise you to follow my steps sister but just sharing this with you so that you may pick up what you feel is useful.

    I used to work in a high stress environment in the previous job, so much so that it has carved wrinkles into my face.  Impossible deadlines, tough boss, unruly colleagues, you get the idea.  After a couple of years in the same job, you get used to it and adjust to the environment because although there is nothing you can do about the external situation, you can control how you feel and perceive things.  Not that you accept the situation de-facto, but you do your best to create win-win situations.

    The best you can do is talk to your husband and not let things build up inside you.  Don't take things personally and try to express your anger in ways other than exploding at co-workers.  Think about the consequences your words might have on the morale of your co-workers, and how this cascades and only makes the situation worse in the long term.

    I don't think I've given any real advice but hope atleast some of this informatios helps sis.

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