
How do you overcome sexual inhibition?

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My girlfriend wants to start doing some sexual role playing, but whenever we try to do this, I am simply not able to do it. She will suggest that we each play a certain role and after saying one or two things, I can't do anything. Mentally, my thought processes just "lock up" and don't really know what to say or do after that. I don't really have of my own any fantasies where I want to pretend to be another person, so I think part of the problem is that I can't connect to her "need" to want to do this, but I also think there is a part of me that just feels inhibited (maybe scared or shy? not sure really) about doing it. She does a lot of things that I ask her to, so I really want to do this to make her happy, but for some reason I just have a mental block when we try to do this. Any suggestions on how I might be able to "loosen up" so that I don't feel awkward about doing this?




  1. just get drunk!!!  

  2. try practicing things you would and say while in the mirror. it will help you become more comfortable with playing the "role."

    **even though there isn't really anyone you to pretend to be**, think of something u thought you would of liked to be when young, like a cop or firefighter, doctor...u can play that out, but with a twist! props are always good to use also.

    also, think of how you are doing it to please your lady, and that will be pleasing you as well. she will be thinking of how s**y u are!

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