
How do you overcome two married people in love with each other but live 1600 miles apart?

by  |  earlier

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Obtacles: Distance and both married.

Have any of you been in this situation before? If so, how did you make it work?




  1. You could over come them by sending threating emails, or maybe flying to where they are and beating them up.  You could try good old fashioned mail, send them bags of poo or something.

  2. By respecting your respective spouses enough to divorce them and let them move on instead of stringing them along. Then you guys can be free to enjoy yourself without hurting everyone else involved.

  3. be sure you are really in love.  you cannot control how you feel and these things happen especially if you are not happy in your current situation.  you both need to divorce your current spouses and one of you needs to move to where the other one is or live somewhere in between the two points in case children are involved.

  4. There are two ways to make it work .  

  5. Let me guess.. you hooked up on the internet, have never met, yet you think you found your REAL soul mate and are living in some fantasy world that if you can just overcome the married part, and the distance, you'll live happily ever after.

    Uh huh.

    Give it up

  6. by getting a divorce and moving together.

  7. By divorcing.

  8. The distance will pretty much do it.  And if you are betraying your marriage, confess, and leave.... your spouse deserves a faithful, trustworthy partner.... you ain't it.

  9. Stay off the internet, that is my advice. I imagine that is how two married people 1600 miles apart got to be "in love with each other".

    You're not going to make it work, sorry. :-(

  10. let me guess, you met them online?

  11. Married to...other people I'm assuming?

    Don't worry about it. Its infatuation!

    I can see it now!

    You were bored and signed into a chat room... He was horny and did the same.

    He told you that you were beautiful and told you all the wonderful things he would do to rock your world.

    Now you have forgotten that he could be a 600lb wooly mammoth and that you are married to a man that really is a d**n nice guy but he isn't mr. perfect because NO one is!

    You believe that the one on the other end of the monitor is what he says he is...and just for chuckles..he believes that you are what you said you were!

    You believe his wife is all the horrible things he has said...and maybe he does to thanks to you.


    he will not leave his wife for longer than a business week nookie run, and if you are smart you will log off him and get your husbands log on!

  12. yes.. I was in that  situation before..  it feels sucks..

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