
How do you overcome your fear of male gynecologists (and male doctors in general)?

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I'm 24 and I grew up with this obsession of male gyns being nasty perverts and getting pleasure by seing vaginas and stuffing things down there. That's why I have never seen one and probably never will.

If there's anyone out there that understands my feelings I'd like to get some response from them. Please, no bashing, that wouldn't help. I'm seriously looking for help to overcome a major obsession.

Why are there men out there so perverted to decide to spend their lives checking out vaginas?




  1. Let's try a simple answer - money

  2. Well, I understand what you're talking about. It's a little weird to have a guy you have just met looking down there! I always say, "At least buy me dinner first!" HAHA but you should really trust them. gynecologists are very professional and if you ever feel uncomfortable with what he's doing let him know! He will be very understanding! If he isn't just find a new Doc. :D

  3. Try going to see a gyno and when you get there if it is a man say you would feel more comfortable with a woman. I f that doesn't work you can always search for a gyno who is a woman that has her own pratice therefore you will always have her!

  4. i will only see female totally grosses me out thinking about a male, they have to be perverted to study vaginas!! what men arent perverted KNOW they think stuff while down there! female docs i see as maybe they want to help other women with female issues. so i dont have a hard time seeing them, altho its never comfortable really. other than gyno...male docs dont freak me out..

  5. um, I think u watch too much of those kinda movies..

  6. They are doctors who went to medical school just like every other female, who didn't just wake up one day and decide to become a gynecologist for such ill reasons.  Its like saying majority of pediatricians became doctors for the wrong reasons. You should get over this stigma that male doctors are perverts.

  7. I'm a guy.  I agree with you!

  8. carry a gun?

  9. I have never been to a male gyno and never

    will. Males are stimulated visually and I know

    what you mean about feeling uncomfortable.

    People say men gynos are more gentle w/

    exams etc. My female gyno has man hands

    so it's bad :O Just go to females  

  10. I totally understand..I made the decicion about 16 years ago to go to female only..I just don't like a strange man seeing all that..and I feel like a man does not have a female body..duh lol but anyway can't ever know when we say sharp shooting somewhere..he just wouldn't get it..a female on the other hand even if she has never experienced it gets get a good female ask friends...and just stay with her! good luck! :_

    Oh and this years of school and seen one seen em all is b/s..yeah they go to school  but a hot single mom is sure diff than an aging gramma with a yeast infec!

  11. My first child we went to a female Gynocologist.  She was the worst.  My wife had so many questions, what should I be doing now, is this normal, etc.  The doctor had a thick accent and we learned that we were just a number.  

    Our doctor went on vacation and we had her co doctor, and he was outstanding.  He told us everything, what we should expect, any questions answered, etc.  He also had a female resident with him, training her to be a gyno in the future.  

    He wasn't invading my genitals, but I felt more comfortable with him doing it than her, our previous gyno.  

    Your prejudice about it is just that.  A prejudice.  Dr McDaniels in Cali is a great doctor and made my wife happy that our previous doctor left on vacation.

  12. Umm to be a doctor you have to go through years and years of rigerous training and school...I dont think any guy is going to put that much commitment just to be able to see vaginas for free. And even more yet, it could be any v****a, young old, nasty, good. They know what they are getting into, and I hardly believe they are gynos so they can see your cooch. If they wanted to see a v****a they would have done that when they were younger before they started their career as a gyno, or even with their spouse whom they have married.

    Your mind is just tainted by bad thoughts about men. Do you really honestly think an old male doctor cares about YOUR v****a when he sees countless vaginas every day. And do you think he gets pleasure from seeing pregnant women, or women with yeast infections or an STD? Honestly think of what they actually go through before thinking your DOCTOR is a perv.

  13. I don't think male OB/GYN's are perverted.  In my experience they have been better doctors to me than female ones.  If you truly have an obsession over it there are plenty of women doctors so you can only see them.  However, if you want to try and get over it than ask around for some referrals from people you know and trust and find one really awesome male doctor and be his patient.  If you face it you will probably see there is nothing to worry about.  

    Doctors choose their line of work for many different reasons.  I personally don't understand why anyone would want to be a podiatrist. ::gag::

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