
How do you paint wheels with the tire still on the rim without getting it on the tire?

by Guest62649  |  earlier

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How do you paint wheels with the tire still on the rim without getting it on the tire?




  1. what i have used grease. just smear it around the edge of the tire dont get any on the rim. when the paint has dried just wipe off with a towel it wont hurt the tire  just a little messy to me easier than tape

  2. Put Armorall or grease on your tire completely and have the rim really clean.....Then paint and let dry....Afterwards all you have to do is clean the wheel and all the paint should come off.  

  3. tape...doh

  4. You don't.

    You can't paint up the edge of the tire because the edge is not stationary, it varies with rotation of the wheel, inflation pressure and over the life of the tire.

  5. tape the tire using lots of small peaces of tape then tape paper to the tape to coce the tires. bothe sides don't want over spay to get the other side if the tire.

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