
How do you parents with genius children raise them?

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i just need it for my news in our newspaper at school.

i just need the name. and how you raise your child. like, if you need to adjust or whichever. thanks, :)




  1. my brother is a genius and me and my sister are just average. its not how our parens raise us. we are basically born with it. my brother has always wanted to know how things worked and he always asked us what 4748750 + 48674945 equals. i think you are born with it.

  2. With love

  3. I was tested as a "genius" as a child (IQ 147)... and my parents raised me the wrong way.

    I was raised with the attitude that I was so smart that I didn't need any guidance.  I was expected to do well so I was never pushed to acheive my potential.  

    This method worked well through grade school... I always got excellent grades.  Until I graduated and went to college.  When I got to college, I still expected to skate by in life... and it didn't happen.  In grade school I never had to work hard or really apply myself, but in college that all changed.  My grades suffered and I flunked out of school twice.  It wasn't until several years later of living a life of hard knocks did I start to understand how to be responsible for myself.

    Fortunatly I've turned things around, have graduated college and have a great job, but looking back I really wish my parents would have fallen back on the idea that "he's so smart".   I wish the would have challanged me more and taught me more about responsibility.  I am far in life now, but I could have been much farther.

  4. I'm no parent (still in school), but I went to CTY and what-not, and everyone at home considers me very bright.  Anyway, my parents had to start homeschooling me because of the bullying done at school, mostly because I was "different."  It really sucked, 'cause now I don't see my friends as often, and it's all because of a boy named Evan.  Evan, if you're reading this, you know who you are.  >_<

  5. I have 2 gifted children ages 9 & 7 (and a third one that is not school age yet); one of which has a 129 I.Q.  These i.q. tests measure the floor of their intelligence and NOT the ceiling.  It is very difficult to parent these types of children.  Usually the children with higher IQs have more difficulty in social relationships because they are heads and shoulders above their peers as far as the vocabulary and just how their brain works/processes information.  I have been advised to encourage my gifted children to give of themselves (i.e. provide community service of some type - whether it's tutoring peers in the classroom that need help or visiting other ill children in hospitals or whatever interests them).  This will assist them in developing or honing their social skills with different people (they usually get along really well with older people as opposed to peers).  I have done this already with their upcoming teachers, requested that they allow my children to assist/teach others in class when they are done with their own work.

    Also, I try to be really encouraging because there are areas they are not good at and for someone who is used to things coming easily to them, it is crushing when they "fail" at something.  It can be frustrating as a parent to see someone have a meltdown over something stupid - like not making a basket the first time you ever tried.  I understand that they are used to most everything else coming so naturally and they don't easily grasp that sometimes you have to practice at something a lot to get it right.

    Lastly, I find that I myself end up learning a lot of new things due to the questions my children ask.  I feel it's my responsibility to assist them in quenching their thirst for what they find interesting; whether it's blackholes, hawkings radiation theory, making a sattelite, whatever...They like to talk and discuss subjects that a child their age normally doesn't even think about. This is very exhausting for a parent but you just do it.

    I hope this information helps a little bit. Good luck with the article.

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