
How do you pass a breathalizer test for alchohol?/?

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ive heard from numerous people of how you can pass a breathalize test when being tested for alchohol. ive heard things like eating peanutbutter and many other things that u can do ect... please only respond to this question if you are answering the question truthfully. thanks..




  1. Force yourself to throw up before the test, then stall as long as possible. No alcohol in your system means nothing for your body to metabolize. Realize this, tho, there is ALREADY alky in your system, if there wasn't why would you be taking the test?

  2. don't drink

  3. well i've learned the hard way that the only guarantee to passing is abstaining from alcohol  

  4. just dont drink and drive

      use common sense

      it kills people

  5. My friend from school bought a breathalizer off ebay and we tried everything to fool it.. nothing really worked. you can refuse roadside sobriety testing thought, if you're ever asked.

  6. I have never heard of anyone passing a breathalizer test so be careful and don't get caught up in something you cannot get yourself out other words don't try it to find out.

  7. The only way to pass a breathalyzer test for sure is to not drink at all.

  8. Don't drink at all.

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