
How do you pass a urine screen without detox?

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I have to take a urine screen today.

How do i pass?





  1. Dont get angry if it doesn't work, but i had a friend who swore on a thing called 'Urals'. You can buy them from a chemist. Drink 'heaps' of water and take a few sachets. Dont know about today though.

    He always said to take the night before,


  2. drink a ton of water and dont give them the first urine of the morning. that is the only one that is absolutely exact. its what the marines use.if your not a heavy user, and you hydrated enough before hand, it works.

  3. i hope im not to late, but drink water(massive amounts) until your p**s is clear and your pissing about every 15-20min. the build-up of lots of water in your bladder puts so much pressure on it that you just p**s the water back out. what also helps if you can stomach it is vinegar.(it naturally cleans your system)

    good luck

  4. Honesty is always the best answer!

  5. here is nothing you can eat or drink that can make your urine miraculously clean if you've been doing drugs. Stuff that used to work no longer works because the testing methods have changed.

    And there is nothing you can do to the specimen after you pee that can't be detected.

    Bleach drops? Nope!

    Your buddy's pee in a condom stuffed up your butt? Nope!

    If the urine is not fresh enough and concentrated enough to give results, they will ask you to give a new specimen until it's a testable specimen.

  6. use somebody else's p**s. make sure they haven't done any drugs in a long time. just put it in a little ziploc bac and keep it taped near your pelvis to keep it warm. also, take a needle so you can pop the bag and let the pee go into the cup. good luck and as long as your aren't being watched while you give the sample it will work.

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