
How do you pass notes in class with out teacher noticing?

by  |  earlier

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like i've been caught a million times, so i need help! how do you pass notes while the teacher thinks your listening and doin the work?????




  1. either send the person a text message or walk pass them like ur throwing something away and when shes not looking just drop it on the persons desk

  2. this only works if their sitting next to you but what i do is drop the note on the floor crumpled up when the teacher turns around then have the other person pick it up so it looks like thet their just picking up a dropped piece of trash i have never gotton caught. If their farther away put it in a pen cap put the pen cap back on the pen and pass it along. It just looks like your letting them borrow a pen.

  3. Haha, I love this Q.

    Ah, yes, there's always the classic:

    Put the note in a book and pass the book.



    Under the table.

    Oh, use another friend thats closer to hand it.

    Try putting the note UNDER a book and yea...

  4. do it when there back is turned but do it under the desk, or put it in someones desk and tell them to pass it and if the teacher catches u say i wuz askin him/her a question

  5. Give the note when the teachers not looking If you look at the teacher to much when you pass the note The teacher will be wondering what your up too

  6. Your teacher has a special eye for you...

    but try getting someone in the class to distract her/him so you can do the deed.

  7. txt or pass notes when the teacher isnt looking

  8. what me and my friends do is put the note in a pencil puch, calculater, or a notebook. we've been doing that for about 2 years now and have never been caught. the teachers just think that you are giving somebody paper or a pencil or something. the calculater only works in math though. :)

  9. haha. this is a bit silly.

    um, you can try text messaging,

    (only if you're really skilled at it though)

    If the person is a couple desks down, go "sharpen your pencil" and as you walk by hand it to them.

    Honestly though, you shouldn't be passing notes in class anyways.


    thankgoodness for almost no seating charts in high school.


  10. when they turn away. Or do the classic one at my school: "drop a bunch of papers" on the ground and pass it then when the other person bends over to help you if they are next to you. Also, using a notebook that you can put on the floor with the rest of your stuff works well too. Have fun!!! :-D

  11. Put the note in a book and pass the book and it looks like your reading the book.

  12. Hi coco,

    I don't think there's a trick in the proverbial book that they don't know about or haven't seen used to pass notes.

    So, why not give it up and wait until class is over to talk to friends?

  13. Learn the letters of American Sign Language  and you can talk to each other with letters. Or learn the language and you can really communicate.

  14. ball up a post it note and throw it. I guess u just have to either write really tiny or use up a ton of post its.

    ~texting is always an option

  15. Via text message

  16. send text messages instead

  17. impossible  the teachers just know lol

  18. Stretch and pass it.

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