
How do you pass tenth grade with good grades?

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I going in to the tenth grade and it harder then nineth how do i pass




  1. shut the f*ck up.

  2. Hey Join INDIAN STUDY CHANNEL and get the best of tips for effective learning right from 'High School to Post Graduation and Job Placements'

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  3. Honestly? All you need to do is learn to care, I mean, I don't know of a high school in the US where you'd be in danger of failing if you try. You just need to use all of your faculties to do your work and study. If you fail a test, go back and review the material, if you're only worried about failing one, study anyway. There's really no trick to it, just study...

  4. start developing good study skills. and actually doing your homework AT HOME. alot of people have problems with that. it really helps, even if it is boring. Just turn off the TV for an hour and put your phone on silent and do your HW, or study for that test. And you also just have to care about school and your grades. Some people need motivation, so find something that motivates you in school.

    Also, setting goals helps you try harder for things. So sit down one day and set goals for this upcoming year, and post them somewhere where you see them every day, like maybe in your room or on your binder, it helps you "visualize" your goals and reminds you of what you want. and remember, work hard, play hard. :]

    OH! and try setting up a reward system with your parents/grandparents. Kinda like they'll let you go somewhere or give you money for every A that you get. thats good motivation. You can even set that up with yourself. And don't procrastinate! if you have a project due in a week, dont wait till the last minute to do it!!

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