
How do you pay a debt you can not pay.?

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I was evicted from a housing authority apartment. They say I owe them move out charges. I just do not have the money to pay those charges. Is there some kind of help I can get to pay them?

Also with me owing those charges can I still rent from them?

The eviction was not do to me violating any rules. It was a member of my family who violated a rule. Thank You!




  1. They will not rent to you as long as you have a past due debt with them.  Additionally, the eviction and rules violation will be held against YOU, since leases indicate that the tenant is responsible for the behavior (or lack thereof) of visitors and other family members.

    Start looking elsewhere.

  2. Talk with them and see if you can make some arrangements.  You were evicted for violating the rules as part of the rules are that you are responsible for the behavior of the people in your apartment.  Sorry to say but that is the price to pay when someone else is paying your rent for you.  You will also not be able to get Section 8 again since you were evicted.  Guess you shouldn't of messed up a good thing.  Get a job and pay your bills and you won't have anything to worry about.  You were already given help and you messed it up.  Pay like the rest of us do now.

  3. Try using:

    I used their service a couple months back and they consolidated all my debt and lowered my total debt 40%.

  4. The good news is there is no "debtors prison" they can throw you in for not paying your bills.  The bad news is that they might put a bad mark on your credit if the debt is in your name.  You can call them and see if they will work out a payment plan.  If they agree to a payment plan, get it in writing before you send them a dime.  Otherwise, they may decide to go back on the agreement later.  Also, remember that bad credit marks usually fall off your credit report after 7 years.  In fact after 7 years it is illegal for them to stay on.

  5. You owe the charges, no one is going to pay the charges for you, they will not rent to you (probably even after the charges are paid off, due to eviction), you violated the rules by allowing a family member to violate the rules.

  6. You are responsible for the actions of any of the people residing in your apartment unit. So although it was not your direct actions which caused you to get evicted, you are indirectly responsible for those actions. Your choices are to throw that family member out, or to do a better job of keeping them in line. Your choice. You will find it very difficult to get back in without paying the eviction charges and doing something about that family member. Good luck.  

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