
How do you pay the bill at a restaurant?

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if im paying with cash do i just leave the tip in with the bill? or should i pay with a debit card and leave a cash tip on the table? im confused

i have no clue...ive never payed the bill before at a restaurant, haha

im going on a date to a restaurant soon, so tell me everything i need to know please. i dont want to look like a total moron :P





  1. You can do either one. If you want to pay cash for everything you can leave the tip in with the bill. Although if you are going to pay cash make sure you have big and small bills because it's a little awkward to have to get change. If you want to pay with a debt card just pay the bill with it and then leave a cash tip. If you leave the tip on the debt card the server may not get all of it due to a fee from the card company and she has to claim all of it. So always tip in cash! Plus make sure to tip well! No matter how bad the service give at least 10% and that is for terrible service. Other than that tip at least 15% if not more. It will make your date think well of you and make your server remember you if you ever come back to the restaurant you will get good service in the future.

  2. If you pay with cash then put the tip in with the amount if you have it and tell the waiter/waitress to "not worry about the change"

    If you pay with cash and don't have the proper amount for tip (15%-20%), wait for the change from the waiter/waitress and then leave the proper amount on the table.

    If you use your credit/debit card then "try" to leave a cash tip afterwards.  It makes things less confusing for the waiter/waitress (not to mention they won't have to report it on their taxes which they typically like).

  3. As long as the bill is paid & you tip for good service, there really is not right or wrong way. Pay it all in cash, put it all on your debit, or do credit card w/ a cash tip. No one will think anything of it. Just enjoy your meal!

  4. You can pay with credit/debit and just write in the tip. It's easier and there's less chance of confusion over what bills were left on the table.  

    Be sure to tip in the area 20% or you'll look cheap.  

    Take the dollar amount and double it, then move the decimal point over 1 spot.  So, $34.68 would be $35 x 2 = $70.00 - move the decimal and you'd leave $7.00

  5. depends on where your going but you can tip it when you pay with your card. ask your date how much should i tip them? hahaha. then shell tell you. usually i tip on how good the service was if it was bad not much gfood then i give  couple of extra dollars than usual. . because i know ill be coming back and they will treat me nice everytime lol.

  6. If paying cash, leave tip with bill. If u pay will debit card, when u use the keypad there will be a tip option u type in tip amount or sometimes it asks u to advise server of how much u are leaving.

  7. I'M A SERVER so listen to ME.

    1. we LOVE cash tips. it's money we take home EVERY night. no questions asked. money from credit card tips has to be processed into our check. and it takes longer.

    2. depending on the resturant you're eating at, $5 is an awesome tip. You're young, going on a date, and want to look cool. just pay the bill with your credit card (if you have one.) if not, just stick the $5 bill under the salt shaker.  ;-)

  8. When I pay in cash I leave the tip on the table.  When I pay with my debit card I usually leave the tip on the card because I rarely have the cash for the tip.  You can really do it either way.

  9. International Visa Card

  10. If you're paying the bill in cash, leave a cash tip on the table. If you're paying with your debit card, there'll be a space on the receipt they give you for you to add a tip using the card. Piece of cake, man.

  11. I think that you should pay the bill with your credit card and leave the tip on the card.

  12. Cash , leave a cash tip . If you pay w/ a debit or credit card you can fill in the tip ( you'll see the space where it says tip ) or just tip cash . If you use a debit or credit and you do decide to tip cash put a line through the area that says tip . You'll be fine !

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