
How do you perform a raindance?

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I really don't like my principal. Many people don't so it's not just exclusive hatred from me :p.

Anyway he's arrogantly sure of two things on results day:

1. we'll all get what we deserve (don't agree, some rude pricks always seem to get one over, but hey what can i do?)

2. It will be a sunny day.

muhahaha. me and my friends wanna make it rain. to prove him wrong.

please help if you've ever hated your principal. even if you haven't.





  1. I live in Oregon where we get 100 inches of rain a year, so it has been quite a while since I did a rain Dance.

    I did a rain dance when I moved here 7 years ago, and they were going through a drought, they had only gotten 80 inches that year.

    But we got so much rain in the following days that they won't let me dance any more,

    The dance is pretty easy, however you have to know the proper language to do it right.

  2. Just wish for rain and it will come,i'll have a word with the big man up stairs,and he might p**s down on your principal

  3. What will be will be, but i had a good laugh at the other answers

  4. do a shakyjaky

  5. What goes around comes around.

    but s***w that! :D

    here's what to do.

    dance in the sweat of 7 healthy young men to the music of 'Raindrops are falling on my head', then get naked in your principle's office and light fire to his paperwork and hold up near the fire detector as soon as he steps into his office.

    booya! rain dance alamouge selahdough!

  6. Not to burst your bubble, but you would have to actually follow the religion to even hope to make a rain dance work.  You'd be better off setting off the sprinklers in his office than making it rain.

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