
How do you personally use energy. Could you conserve more and if so how?

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How do you personally use energy. Could you conserve more and if so how?




  1. "Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live completely, 100% “off of the grid and are completely self sufficient” ..."

    ... and here he is posting with his electric-powered computer on the Internet, piggy-backing his advertising on Yahoo's website instead of paying for his own ... and he calls that being off the grid.

    We are not alone on this planet and this site is a good example of that. The entire "energy grid" is not something one can be free of and still interact with the rest of the world. Using the Internet also means one is thoroughly part of the "energy grid" that makes the entire thing possible.

    The Internet requires lots of electrical energy to operate and maintain. The computer in your home also leaves a massive "carbon footprint" due to it's manufacture. The plastics, exotic metals, glass and all the other parts of the equioment are only the start... the "energy grid" must also support the buildings, trucks, trains, bulldozers, lunch carts, clean suit manufacturers, office equipment manufacturers and all the rest that makes the Iternet possible.

    To truly be "off the grid" one would have to be living in a state even more primitive than out Amish friends. ... more in line with some manner of Amazonian tribesman.

    My conservation plan is simple. If I need it, I use it. If I don't need it, I turn it off.

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