
How do you persuade a parent?

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I have been wanting a kitten for so long. My family already owns 2 dogs (VERY old) and a bird (can't be played with) and I Want a kitten or cat that i can call my own and take care of myself. i would pay for all of its vet bills and i would buy all of its food. All my parents would have to do is enjoy the cats company!!!!! But they still sy no.

i have made lists and gathered statistics, basically everything you can do to persuade a parent. HOW CAN I GET THEM TO SAY YES???

(im not just doing this on a whim, its something i have thaught about for a while)




  1. Have you asked them why?

    Because they may just dislike cats... And if that's the case, you could tell them that you'll make sure to keep it in one room, like your room or the basement. Try and make sure it's a room they're not in a lot.

    And if they just won't budge, it's okay, you'll have your own place eventually and can get a cat then.

  2. THIS IS FOOL PROOF. Go to petco and buy a bunch of cheap mice / rats. About 10. Plant them all over your house. get a new kitty!!!

  3. If u can drive i would just buy one and come home and if they wanna argue , ask them why u cant have one and that u dont like that the rest of the animals are s orun dowm, begg them constantly say i wanna cat ull get so much on there nerve they'll have to say yea

  4. You have to show her that you are responsible. Start by helping her do things around the house. I know how you feel because it took me a verrrry long time to convince my mom to let me bring a cat home. When I finally did convince her, it took her awhile to warm up to the cat but when she saw that I am cleaning up after him and taking good care of him, she began to love him and now she is so attached! Just remember though that a pet is a big responsibility and you should make sure you have money for vet bills, food, etc. Goodluck!!

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