
How do you persuade your parents to get you a ps3?

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I really want one a lot. My birthday is a month away but i got a wii last year. What should I do




  1. Clean the house and wash her car.

  2. suck up to them. Do chores without having them tell you to do it. Thats how i got my iphone. also make it the only thing you want so they have no idea what else to get you besides a ps3 and games

  3. casually slip it in whenever you can, they's subtly get the message, keep saying how you'd love one, but maybe not directly at them, and if all else fails, beg, and say "IT'LL KEEP ME QUIET FOR A LONG TIME!"

    Don't say "It's the top of the range revolutionary console" because although it is, parents don't seem to care... :)

  4. crying, jhahahahaha

  5. act nice and tell them the benefit of playing video games and tell the all ur friends have it also tell them how good the graphics are and u can learn few things by playing video game and tell em u will try doing ur best in school o yea and u can hook up web cam and see ur friends and relatives  who live far away from u  

  6. make a deal with them saying if i help out around the house- will i get a ps3 for my birthday  

  7. Dont know My mom got my Wii 2 christmas ago and I got my ps3 this year for my bd just casually talk about it

  8. haha...well, what you can do is, try to negotiate a deal with them.  You could like say you'll read a chapter from a book each day or something like that.

  9. keep bothering them that you want a ps3 that all your friends have one and you feel left out.oh and keep bothering them

  10. i have a wii and a ps3.this is how u do chores around the house and that shood show them responsibility.then earn money and work hard. dont bug them about it.and say mom dad.i want to get a ps3.i dont want to be a spoiled brat about it so i wanted to help pay for most of it.for me that usually works.if u can atleast pay for some of it they will probably buy it but only if u pay for some

    good luck!

    hope this helps!!

  11. Get a job, earn some money, and either buy it yourself or offer to pay for half of it, and have your parents buy the other half.  

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