
How do you persuade your parents to take me to the doctors?

by  |  earlier

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I researched online and asked a question in yahoo answers about asthma, and 10 out of 10 people that i've asked said to go to a doctor and/or i most likely have asthma

and i asked my mom if i could go get checked for asthma. and she said no. she said that i should just sleep earlier. but one of the symptoms i have is trouble sleeping. she said that i sleep too late. and i asked how she would explained how i got more tham 110 heartbeats per minute and shortness of breath, and etc. but she just ignored me.

just some background information, my mom isnt very fond of me probably because im the first child. even though i got into complete honors in high school[international baccularate], and my mom is more favoring my little brother even though he's not in full honors in his school.

what should i do? should i ask/get foster parents? and by the way, there is no school nurse in my school, although there is a counsellor.[school starts on aug. 28th thursday.]

im not sure my symptoms will get worse. please please help!

thank you so much if you helped.




  1. contact health service/child services, that is child neglect and endangerment.

    Asthma is a deadly problem.  

  2. Go to your school nurse...tell her you have not been feeling well and she can send your parents a note to take you to the Doctor...that is the only thing I can think of if your mom refuses to take you to the Dr, I personally would take my kids in a heart beat if they told me they were worried....even if it is just to give them peace of is always better to be safe than sorry :) Good Luck hun

  3. Do you have another close relative, aunt, grandma, or someone that could talk to your mom or even consider taking you to the doctor.  You could also talk to your school counselor or even a teacher or principal.  

  4. Everybody before me gave very good advice take it all...I just want to point out that it's sad that you can't go to the doctor for asthma but if you were a pregnant teenage girl you wouldn't have to tell your parents if you got an abortion...that's just wrong, what's wrong with our society, it's all so backwards. Good luck, I'll be praying for you, that is a serious problem and I'm worried for you. Go to the hospital they can't refuse you if you can't breathe.

  5. You have to ask yourself whether or not your health issue is serious enough to cause your family to: a) endure a great deal of financial hardship (medical care is NOT cheap); b) have potential legal ramifications for neglect.

    If you are suffering to the point that you think you might die or have long-lasting physical consequences, you should either take yourself to the ER, a free clinic, or tell your school counselor what's going on.  It's better to have your family go through all of the problems this implies than it is to die or have serious complications your whole life.

    If you are uncomfortable, but not seriously ill you should wait until your family's economic status gets straightened out a little.  Your mother may not be taking you to the doctor because it means she can't feed you and your siblings if she does.  Do you really want to punish her for that for something that only makes you uncomfortable?  Once again, it's a very different story if you're worried that it's truly serious.

    You may also want to try to contact your local job & family services or whatever it is that they call your local welfare office.  They might be able to hook your family up with a medical card that could get you free health care for a limited time.  If the money is the issue, your mom might be willing to take you if the medical care is free.

  6. asthma is serious, i have it and i can't go more than 2 minutes without hyperventilating.  i had symptoms like you did when i got diagnosed.  talk to your guidance counselor, asthma is a big deal and it's important to go to the doctor and find out how severe the asthma is and, if the doctor feels it's necessary, to prescribe medication to keep it under control.

  7. i would say talk to a teacher at school or the counselor. if your really concerned call your doctor or the local hospital maybe they can talk some sense into your mom. good luck!

  8. well your question asked how to convince MY parents to take YOU to the doctor.  I did it.  I just asked MY mom if she would you to the doctor....she said she will make you an appointment in the morning! so there you go i convinced MY parents to talk you.  It wasn't hard at all.  

  9. Firstly just because you are the first born child means that your parents love you any less.Point out to your mum that your breathing concerns you & is giving you sleepless nights.Maybe you could try some reverse psychology on her & start gong to bed earlier than what you usually would.

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