
How do you persuade yourself into working overtime?

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Ok, so with my job, there are huge pay incentives for putting extra hours in at work. I keep telling myself I could pay off so much if not all of mine and my husbands debt if I would just work 2 extra days a pay period. But the thought of signing up for those extra days makes my stomach curdle, mainly because I miss my children and my husband so much. Our goal in the long run is to pay as much of our debt down so that I can go down to part time. Does anyone have any motivating suggestions for or for not working extra shifts? Is it worth it? Although I realize we all have different circumstances, what would you do if it were you making the above decision?




  1. Debts will eventually get worked down if you've fixed the real problem that got you there: spending beyond your means or not saving for emergencies. Next time you pull out the credit card it may help to stop thinking of the dollars you're charging and instead imagine the extra overtime hours it will take to pay off this purchase. Unless of course your husband is the spender, then you need to make sure he feels your pain. Sorry if that's a little harsh. Only trying to help.

  2. its a hard thing to do,but i know exactly what your going through

    you have to get the midset that "its gotta be done"  "I have to do it" and when your dragging your way through that extra shift just keep thinking about the future and how you will get more family time and only have to work part time

    think possative

  3. Instead of doing it every pay period, can you do it every other pay period? That way you are still able to have time with your family and still get the extra money. Not as fast, as it would be if it were each pay week but at least it would be coming in.

    If it helps, remember by paying it down quicker, the quicker you will get to spend more time with your family. It sounds so worth it in the end.

    Also, do you work at a job where you would be able to have your family come and have lunch or supper with you during those extra days? That way you can still see them and it wouldn't be as bad?


  4. Find it giving you butterflies? Try signing up for ONE extra day during a pay period. Sure it may feel like a giant hurdle but it's not as long as two days. Regardless of if you miss your family, too bad because you have a priority as an adult and a parent to provide for your family in the best way possible through working. That doesn't mean you have to be a workaholic, just to be able to pull in extra money when you need it so you don't have to sacrifice groceries (or other necessities) in order to pay a credit card on time. In the long run you'll appreciate your hard work because it will help to pay off your husband's debt quicker, but remember he has to work at it too because he is the one who started it. If you both split it 50/50 then it will be accomplished! Most places will pay you time and a half for working overtime!

  5. You are paying interest on your debts. Get rid of the debt and you will have extra money. Money that could be saved and invested. Once you get rid of the debt your credit score will go up. Your credit report will reflect that you have a higher income.

    Good credit means better mortgage rates and cheaper homeowners insurance. You can get better deals when say renting an apartment. Car loans are cheaper. Interest rates on any credit cards will be less. Even car insurance is cheaper. All extra money.

    Extra money to provide for the kids or say to pay for family trips.

    I do think the just working just one extra day would be the way to get your feet wet.

  6. It's a classic trade off and opportunity cost example. Do you value your family more than paying off debts? Or would you like to work overtime now, allowing for more family time in the future?? Is the time now value and most impressionable on my child or in the future when they're grown up?? Trade offs. Life's dilemmas.

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