
How do you pick out a name for a baby?

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Me and the father of my child are having problems picking out a name for our lil girl, i dont like none of the names he picks out and i have a few that i really really like but he doesnt. I kinda feel bad cuz i want us to pick out the name together but i dont like the names he comes up with. He likes the name karissa and Demi but i like the names Jayla and Amiyah... his names Demetrias, and mine is Andrea, but i think he wants the kid to have a name like his... its so hard cuz i want her to have a name thats real pretty and we cant bring ourselves to agree on anything.. what do we do?




  1. I don't know but he definitely has the better taste in baby names!

    Jayla and Amiyah.... Are you serious?

    ~Make a list and compare


    ~Search a baby name book together

    Edit: Nina M, you got to be kidding me! Her names sound Ghetto!

  2. His names sound chav, your names are better.  Just tell him Nina M from yahoo answers said so!

  3. sorry i can't give you any advice on what to do, but i do have a  few suggestions.






  4. Perhaps you can see if there is a meaningful name that you would like to use.  Maybe the name of one of your mothers or grandmothers, or even a combination of the two, if your gandmothers name is Ann and his is Marie, you can name your daughter Ann-Marie.  

    Or maybe you want your daughters name to have a certain meaning, like "gift" (because your child is a gift from God) then you can go with something like Cady (French), Dora (Greek), or Nala (Swahili) that all mean "gift".  

    You can even decide on an origin that you want to stick to, like Greek, or Italian or French.  That might help narrow down the list of names.

    good luck, and CONGRATULATIONS!!

  5. We just look for the most outrageous off the wall name like my sons' name Kamdor Ninjor and Jarrod Liono. And it helps to have a geeky sci-fi comic book fanatic as a friend.

  6. personally I  like Karissa.  Search for baby names on the web and consider buying a name book.  You guys will eventually find one you can agree on. Congrats!

  7. I don't know if it'll work for you, but my parents had the same problem. They went and bought a huge baby name book, then each of them flipped through it and chose 25 names they liked. Even though they had completely different tastes, my name was number one for both of them. It worked for my little brother, too! Good luck.

  8. I don't like any of those names. Sorry, I just don't.

    But you guys could compromise, one gets first name the other gets middle.  

  9. compromise. i had the same prob with my hubby. one can pick the middle, the other the first. how about Jayla Demetria.. or Amiyah Demetria

  10. Well, both of your names are Greek in origin, so why don't you stick with Greek names for your little girl?  There's tons of pretty ones:





    Okay, I can't list--there's too many pretty ones, we'll both be here all day!  Click this link, and see what you find!

    Best of Luck!!

  11. The names you chose are VERY popular and over used right now.  I suggest going to and adding the names you both like and it will generate a list of similar names and hopefully you can agree on something.  My husband and I had the same issue but after posting a lot on here  I got a lot of really good ideas and we finally agree on names.

  12. Obviously there are a zillion ways to pick out a name for a baby.

    But for me, I always wanted to have a REASON for a name, and usually that reason was in the form of honoring a loved one (living or dead) by naming the baby after them in some way.

    But even if you decide to go down the path of naming your baby in honor of someone else, there's multiple ways to go about it.

    Obviously you can use the loved one's first or middle name.  In some cases, you can even use last, maiden, or nick names.  You can then take derivations on these names (very handy for naming a child of the opposite s*x from the loved one).  Some examples: Andy to honor Annie, Kaitlin to honor Catherine or Lynn, Allissa to honor Lisa or Alice.  

    If you have multiple loved ones, you can obviously use one person for the 1st name, and another for the middle name.

    Then, when all else fails, you can play Scrabble.  This is good if you have two or more people you'd like to honor, but you don't particularly like any of their names.  Take all of the letters of the names and see what names you can come up with by rearraigning the letters (opionally tossing duplicate letters, but use ever letter at least once).

    As an example, if you want to honor Alice and Robert.  Search through baby names that only contain the letters a, b, c, e, i, l, o, r, t.  An example (poor one I'll admit, but I don't have time to do an exhustive search) is Albert Rico.  Every letter has been used once, and only the extra 'e' was tossed.

    FYI, we used the Scrabble method to name our daughter due later this year, and we named her in honor of 4 women.  Every letter was used at least once (only duplicate letters were tossed) and we have come up with a name that everyone we tell say is lovely (by contrast to the Albert Rico I came up with in two minutes).

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