
How do you pick out peaches at the store??

by Guest62537  |  earlier

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I can never seem to get a good peach when i buy them at the store... its like only the canned ones are good... how do i know when a peach is good at the store?? like the texture or the firmness?




  1. The peach should be slightly soft, but not have any indentations left in the flesh if pressed gently.  It should also be heavy for it's size, and the skin should be free of cuts, holes, marks and blemishes.

    It should also smell intensely of peach.

  2. I go by the smell you get through the skin of the fruit, same goes for finding a ripe pineapple and other fruits too.  Also if you do buy peaches or any fruit thats not ripe at that time sit them on the counter for a few days to rippen more and they will be perfectly sweet and ready to eat. Just keep in mind dont buy more then yuo can consume before they spoil or your throwing money in the trash.

  3. The guy in the produce section will be glad to help you and give you a sample of one.

  4. If they have a nice, sweet smell they're usually close to being ripe.  Put light pressure near the stem and if it gives easily, then it's usually a good one.  Of course, there might be some that are not so great, but a lot of times if you have a farmer's market near you, those tend to taste better.  If you're not going to eat them right away, still make sure they smell ripe, but they should be a little more firm.  Then put them in a brown paper bag at home for a day or so, they will ripen up.

  5. i bought nice looking peaches but they ended up sour. somehow i don;t really like buying peaches.  

  6. you just pick out really firm peaches (so that they don't ripen so fast) and the biggest peaches too

  7. I always know when to buy peaches...if I'm walking by, and can smell the aroma, then they have to be good. Then give a gentle squeeze, and see if the peach is firm, but not hard.

  8. I was lucky enough to grow up with orchards all around me, so I was able to eat right off the trees. Having to buy them out of the stores and picking the ripe ones can be tricky. They can smell good, look good, but when you go to eat them there a little green. The best way is to ask the produce manager at the store for a sample.If he/she refuses,  find another store if possible. We use to pick the produce in the orchards on the green side for storage and shipping.

  9. Peaches should have a fragrant aroma and be soft when you touch them. Don't be fooled by their color. Peaches that are redish pink aren't necessarily any sweeter than lighter colored ripen, peaches.  

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