
How do you place 2 baby male mice together.

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I have a baby mouse about 2 1/2 weeks old. I want him to have a friend so I got another baby male mouse. They told me the baby was 2 1/2-3 weeks old and they should be ok. I placed them on my table to introduce them and the new mouse started biting. I took them apart. I don't want my little mouse to get hurt. How do I place 2 mice together?




  1. it's not recommended to put males together, they will fight, even littermates have been known to kill each other and your boys aren't related. I don't think your current cage is big enough to give them the space that they would need. If you wanted two mice you should have got two females. Males are often kept seperate on their own.

    Also who are 'they'? because i've often found that pet store people don't know a whole lot about the animals in their store and just make assumptions to sell the animals. Even if it is with the best intentions.

  2. Around this time, they begin getting in their hormones, and going through "puberty". This is the time when males will start to compete for dominance and space.

    Male mice are nearly impossible to house together. If they feel like they need to compete, they will fight to the death. I have housed males together in the past, but I ensured they had a REALLY large and spacious cage (it was a rabbit cage) and two of everything which included wheels, water bottles, food dishes, and several hiding places. If you limit sharing, they should get along okay. But unless you can provide them with all this, in a typical mouse-sized cage, they will certainly fight.

    Edit: The vet is correct. Mice are social animals, and strongly benefit from living with other mice. Your tank is large enough for sure. Bust just as long as they have at least two wheels, bottles, food dishes and hiding boxes they should be fine. Just make sure you buy everything you need before you buy the second mouse. And also never place them in the ball together. Only one at a time, or get two.

    And that is nice that you saved your mouse :)

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