
How do you plan a benefit dinner for a good cause?

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Hello, I'm going to be a senior this year. For my senior project, I was planning on hosting a benefit dinner to raise money for this all-girl school in Kenya. I was wondering if anybody knew how to plan an event like this? Also, I was wondering how do we get people to pay with just checks for their tickets? What's an appropriate price for the tickets? Please respond because I need all the help I can get!! Thanks.




  1. I'm not sure about paying with just checks, but you can buy receipt paper and write out receipts for people so that it will still be counted as a charitable donation (at least a portion).  My advice:

    -Round up volunteers (classmates, teachers, parents, community, etc.)

    -Find a location and book it (find out how many can be seated for fire code)

    -Figure out a menu (nothing too fancy but not too boring either)

    -Ask local businesses for food donations for your specific menu, or cash donations

    -Start selling tickets ( do not exceed your seating capacity), only print enough meal tickets for what your venue can hold.

    -Find entertainment (local bands, school band, school talent, etc.)  Make sure they are all willing to donate their time.

    I hope this helps!

  2. you dont say its a dinner,. say its a buffet. make all kinds of foods. and i say charge everyone 8.00. that seems fair. dont do tickets people always lose tickets or will try to make fake ones. when they come in have a cashier accept the money and i say stamp their hands with something unique. ok well have fun. if you need ideas in foods. i have plenty ideas. i work in caterings, and culinary school. and i hosted plenty of parties with food so u can email me. ok good luck.

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